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Hammerli Magazines

Jon Eulette
Ed Hall
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Hammerli Magazines Empty Hammerli Magazines

Post by Orion 7/23/2023, 8:52 pm

I purchased a pair of Dick Horton grips, but I cannot get my magazines out. Nothing is interfering with extracting the magazine, I just dont have anywhere to grab onto the magazine base. Thoughts?

Hammerli Magazines 74b11610

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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by Ed Hall 7/24/2023, 8:11 am

I normally always* make sure the magazines fall freely without having to be pulled out.  Look for shiny areas and lightly sand them until they fall from the gun without the grips.  Then make sure they still fall freely with the grips.  If they do fall without, but not with, check the area of the grips that fits into the cutouts on either side.

* I do currently have a magazine that doesn't quite fall freely all the time.  For that one, I press on the top of it to get it started.

Ed Hall

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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by Orion 7/24/2023, 9:09 am

I didn’t think about that, thanks

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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by NYKenn 7/25/2023, 4:14 pm

With many High Standards, it was common to drill and tap a small hole and screw in a small bolt/screw to pull out mags with oversize orthopedic grips. 
I would expect you could do similar with some epoxy into the plastic base.


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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by Jon Eulette 7/25/2023, 4:36 pm

I don’t remember which Hammerli grip (euro or CMM 1911 addd adapter), but I think I’ve seen both interfere with the magazine dropping out. The CMM required a non factory base (might’ve been early adapter) and euro needed wood removed so the magazine release could move enough to allow magazine to drop.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Hammerli Magazines Empty HAMMERLI MAGAZINES

Post by TampaTim 7/25/2023, 7:47 pm

I drilled a hole in the plastic base and put a loop of string through it so I could pull the magazine out.


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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by chopper 7/25/2023, 7:56 pm

I removed material on each side of the magazine bases, both plastic and the aftermarket metal bases. They drop so easily I have to drop them close to the bench or catch them in my hand.


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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by dsimmons 8/21/2023, 7:26 am

chopper wrote:I removed material on each side of the magazine bases, both plastic and the aftermarket metal bases. They drop so easily I have to drop them close to the bench or catch them in my hand.
Where does someone find the metal bases?


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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by mdlmaker 8/21/2023, 10:26 am

I had a similar problem with my Hammerli and its Nill grips.
I purchased these mag bases and they slide right into the mag bodies purchased @ Redfeather. No financial interest in this product.



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Hammerli Magazines Empty Re: Hammerli Magazines

Post by chopper 8/21/2023, 4:04 pm

dsimmons wrote:
chopper wrote:I removed material on each side of the magazine bases, both plastic and the aftermarket metal bases. They drop so easily I have to drop them close to the bench or catch them in my hand.
Where does someone find the metal bases?
 I don't know, they came with my pistol when I bought it.


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