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Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

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Aimpoint ACO discontinued? Empty Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

Post by Chase Turner 7/28/2023, 6:43 pm


In the quest to have my Sams build frame mount wadgun look "period correct," I noticed that Aimpoint seems to be dumping their Carbine Optic (2MOA) on ebay, in addition to their own website- link is here. Price is $350. While no expert, I believe this is the same body style of the older Aimpoint Comp M2 (and perhaps the M4- I just don't know) and so will accept a 30mm ring mount.

Granted, these are 2MOA dots, but I find such actually helps me "increase the size" of the 50 yard target; though that is just what my eyes see today. In any case, it's good glass, and if you think you'd like to try an Aimpoint without a lot of coin, well, now may be that time.


Chase Turner

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Join date : 2019-11-15

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Aimpoint ACO discontinued? Empty Re: Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

Post by Jon Eulette 7/28/2023, 8:07 pm

I’m using an ACO in an older Sams frame mount. I had to remove the iron sights for it to work. I believe rear Bomar could’ve stayed on but front sight would hit the front of optic tube. It’s a lager diameter than older Aimpoint. I believe same as 9000 optic.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Aimpoint ACO discontinued? Empty Re: Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

Post by Chase Turner 7/28/2023, 9:01 pm

Could be Jon- like I say, I'm not advocating suitability from necessity (or vice versa)- just that this is a good price for good glass.

I've already packed up my Sams frame mount wadgun with newly arrived dot for David to work on and get sorted. I'm comfortable with having the scope just a touch higher over the sights on the slide (so as to avoid the cost of welding up the slide in place of the front and rear sight), though many wouldn't have built a pistol in just such a way. Thought I would be using the base gun without the frame to leg out, but did it with a Jimmy Glenn 45 instead.


Chase Turner

Posts : 385
Join date : 2019-11-15

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Aimpoint ACO discontinued? Empty Re: Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

Post by PhotoEscape 7/28/2023, 10:34 pm

Both ACO & PRO dots have same dimensions and threads at the front and rear sides as 9000 series dots.  With addition of Straight Rear Shade - https://www.photoescapeinc.com/products/aimpoint-pro-shades-kit.html both dots just slightly shorter than 9000Sc and can be mounted with two 30mm rings.


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Aimpoint ACO discontinued? Empty Re: Aimpoint ACO discontinued?

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