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Trimming 38 SPCL brass

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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by Texasref 7/30/2023, 8:27 am

Being new to the revolver game, is trimming 38 spcl brass something to be considered?
I was wondering due to the case being roll crimped, resized, flared and crimped again.

Also is there something I should be on the look out for that will say "Time to replace me"?


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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Re: Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by dannyd93140 7/30/2023, 8:39 am

Because I only shoot paper and use light loads, I taper crimp instead or roll crimp.  The cases will start to crack at the neck, that's how you tell if their done.

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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Re: Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by BE Mike 7/30/2023, 8:41 am

Few reloaders trim straight-walled pistol brass.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Re: Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by Texasref 7/30/2023, 9:11 am

Thanks for the replies.

Revolvers are a new platform for me.


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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Re: Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by WesG 7/31/2023, 10:12 am

I got a large supply of mixed 38 brass from my dad. Sorting thru it I found the lengths were all over the place, and not brand dependent. Wasn't able to trim them with my 'rifle' tools, so I got one of the Lee press mount units. Had to modify it a bit to trim the shortest ones in the bunch.

They're loaded. May just put them back in the tobacco tin and tattered boxes they came in after I shoot them. No reason for doing all this other than nostalgia. He'd take me to Coyote Point to shoot my 22 when I was a kid, and then I'd sit on the bench and watch him shoot his K-38.

I shot a DR match with it awhile back.


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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty .38 Spl case trim

Post by OL-Smokey 8/30/2023, 5:57 pm

IF you are roll crimping, having cases the same length will be helpful in obtaining uniform cartridge production.  Otherwise- not necessarily.


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Trimming 38 SPCL brass Empty Re: Trimming 38 SPCL brass

Post by Texasref 8/31/2023, 6:12 am

I am roll crimping. Making the cases the same length for a uniform crimp makes sense.
I have to believe that roll crimps create more stress on the case mouth than taper crimps.

I'll need to mic. a few and see if there is some lengthening of the case after two-three reloads.


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