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I've been gone a long time

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I've been gone a long time Empty I've been gone a long time

Post by MARVIN GARDENS 12/14/2013, 12:16 pm


My name is Bob Horton and I've been out of the sport for many years.

I was a member of the old Bullseye-L list and wondered where everyone went.  

I am from California.  I was a member of the long gone Foothill Gun Club in Tulare, CA and shot the monthly 2700 match there.  I also shot YY's match in Southern California and Tony Silva's match in Sacramento.  I still have my guns and Star machines but working weekends for the last twenty years has kept me from shooting many matches. I also competed in Free, Air, Center Fire, and PPC matches.

After a work injury, I am awaiting rotator cuff surgery and and am hoping to shoot again after therapy.

Thought I'd start following the board and try to catch up on what I have been missing.




Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-06-13

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I've been gone a long time Empty Re: I've been gone a long time

Post by dan allen 12/14/2013, 1:31 pm

The old bullseye-l list is alive and kicking: bullseye-l-list@googlegroups.com ;

dan allen

Posts : 118
Join date : 2011-06-19
Location : Distinguished - 2600 Club

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I've been gone a long time Empty Re: I've been gone a long time

Post by Bullseye58 12/14/2013, 3:55 pm

Welcome back Bob. I had the same surgery a couple of years ago and I am back in BE. I wish you the best, have fun and be safe!

Posts : 125
Join date : 2012-05-25

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I've been gone a long time Empty Re: I've been gone a long time

Post by Al 12/15/2013, 11:14 am

Come on in and pull up a chair Bob.

I've been through the same 3 years ago.  It drives you crazy not being able to shoot.  I got desperate enough to try shooting LH.  It wasn't pretty but I did advance from a wobble area the size of the paper to about 7 ring in 3 months.  Listen to the therapy kid and work those techniques.  Mine worked on a program to concentrate on my shooting muscles.



Posts : 657
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 69
Location : Bismarck, ND

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I've been gone a long time Empty Re: I've been gone a long time

Post by Larry Lang 12/15/2013, 11:21 am

Welcome to the Internet BE Forum. I recall your name from the old lava/email forum. Most of us are on both. Both sites can share images and are searchable.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

Posts : 198
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 84
Location : Frederickson, WA

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I've been gone a long time Empty Re: I've been gone a long time

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