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Fundamental; accepting your hold.

bruce martindale
Oleg G
Rodger Barthlow
Jon Eulette
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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by Jon Eulette 9/2/2023, 7:26 pm

First topic message reminder :

Today I was function firing a 38 spl build. Shot 100 rds short line then put up a SF target at 50. Shot for group and then adjusted sights. Shot this target. 99-1
I’ve hardly been shooting. Was wobbling and hold was mediocre.
’I accepted my hold’ and made good trigger squeeze a priority. This is a perfect example of ‘accepting’ your hold and following the fundamentals process. 
Let this be motivational in knowing that the fundamentals work if you let/follow them.
Accepting your hold is supposed to help you pull the trigger, but unfortunately most look from the other side and it inhibits their good trigger squeeze.
Fundamentals are there for a reason. 
Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Img_2935
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by Tim:H11 11/26/2023, 12:57 pm

RodJ wrote:Aren’t “stop and start” and “restart” the opposite of aborting?

It’s just what people are referring to when using their choice of words.. “start and stop” is a term we commonly use in the sport when we’re talking about the situation one might experience where you’re looking down your sight picture and things are good, you’ve started your trigger press, then something happens and you pause or “stop” moving the trigger. Usually because our sight picture isn’t what we want to see. Then our sight picture comes back to what we think is acceptable and we start pressing on the trigger more. This back and fourth or what we call “start and stop” scenario is not usually conducive to good slow fire shooting. Sometimes we’ll get off a good shot like this and it’ll trick us into thinking “yeah I can do that”. But it’s not a good way to train or plan on that being your way of getting it done.

Aborting is altogether taking your finger off the trigger, and putting the gun down. Reset your self mentally. Prepare to start a new shot. I don’t look at it as a second try on the same shot. I look at it like this: I couldn’t for some reason get my shot off and now my window for a good shot has expired. Anything beyond this point will be a gamble and a break in my process and plan. So I abort. It’s a shot that wasn’t fired but that attempt is over. I roll into a second attempt to fire the same cartridge in the chamber but it is a new shot. It’s approached the same way as if I had fired the aborted shot. Because the aborted shot is in the past just as much as one’s that were fired.

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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by RodJ 11/26/2023, 2:24 pm

Got that , I was trying to understand Roy’s comment. Rereading it, I see what he’s saying. “Continuous from start to finish” EXCEPT when you abort. Helps me to think through the advice and I see what RD was explaining. Very helpful.


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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by hammerli 12/11/2023, 4:15 am

Jon thank you for this advice. I have been reading your views along with Bruce Martindale's "Feeling Centre" I am 70 yrs of age and have just come back from the National Championships in India. I shot a 276 in precision Centre Fire (Great for me, poor for good shooters). I followed the advice to accept my hold and to apply trigger pressure even before the sights settled in. I thought my shots were terrible but the electronics told a different story all 9s and 10s and 3 8s. Thank you Jon and Bruce.


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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by JHHolliday 12/11/2023, 8:35 pm

Coach Dina concurs: How not to hit a white


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Fundamental; accepting your hold. - Page 2 Empty Re: Fundamental; accepting your hold.

Post by Derekj 12/12/2023, 9:22 pm

Great note


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