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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by paulj 9/21/2023, 11:44 am

There probably isn't a consensus but I have to ask, is there a current favorite 185 grain coated bullet for 45?


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by Wobbley 9/21/2023, 11:49 am

My favorite is the Brazos 180 SWC (which actually weighs 182 or so).  https://www.brazosprecision.com/

Shot off a bench at 25 yards.  The 3 high were called.  I’m satisfied.

Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Img_0216

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by DA/SA 9/21/2023, 11:50 am

180 Brazos work well. (Weigh just shy of 185)

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by CLM 9/21/2023, 7:22 pm

I like Missouri Bullet 185 button.


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by samtoast 9/22/2023, 11:19 pm

Wobbley wrote:My favorite is the Brazos 180 SWC (which actually weighs 182 or so).  https://www.brazosprecision.com/

Shot off a bench at 25 yards.  The 3 high were called.  I’m satisfied.

What is your powder and weight?
Thank you


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by Wobbley 9/23/2023, 12:41 am

4.3 Bullseye, Mixed Small Primer Brass.  .

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by troystaten 9/23/2023, 5:58 pm

I like Bayou Bullets 185 grain SWC, Brazo's 180's are nice as well.


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by BE Mike 9/24/2023, 9:15 am

I'd say, any one that will group less than the ten ring at 50 yards. I wonder if anyone has done any tests like that?
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by targetbarb 9/24/2023, 10:20 am

Wobbley wrote:My favorite is the Brazos 180 SWC (which actually weighs 182 or so).  https://www.brazosprecision.com/

Shot off a bench at 25 yards.  The 3 high were called.  I’m satisfied.

Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Img_0216
Ashley, your Brazos shot well yesterday when my fresh ammo failed to cycle.  Crying or Very sad   What crimp do you use?


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by S148 9/24/2023, 12:11 pm

Wobbley wrote:My favorite is the Brazos 180 SWC (which actually weighs 182 or so).  https://www.brazosprecision.com/

Shot off a bench at 25 yards.  The 3 high were called.  

They have two at that weight. Bevel base or flat base?


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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by Wobbley 9/24/2023, 1:34 pm

My “standard” crimp is .467 I only mess with it if that doesn’t shoot for some reason.  And I was glad to help! 

These are Flat Base as I recall.

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Favorite 185 gr coated bullet Empty Re: Favorite 185 gr coated bullet

Post by Multiracer 9/24/2023, 7:17 pm



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