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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

james r chapman
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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by MrBorland Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:18 pm

Just sittin' & thinkin': Why aren't bullseye 1911 hammers bobbed?

As a revolver shooter in practical pistol competition, I've been a fan of (radically) bobbed hammers for a number of reasons. One of them is a bit of an accuracy gain due to less muzzle jar upon hammer strike (see vid below). Possibly from a faster lock time, too. Seems match 1911s could benefit from überlight hammers for the same reason. Am I missing something? Are they not legal in competition? Unless the spur is somehow considered a safety device, I haven't read anything in the rules to forbid it. One could shoot a DAO revolver in bullseye, no? 


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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by james r chapman Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:14 pm

It can be done, note the H. Reeves match, but I know of no advantage
Against the semi-auto.

One big reason against would be the 7-8# DA pull of a revolver v. The 2.5-4# SA pull of a 1911.

Jim Chapman
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by DavidR Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:58 am

no rule against it, but if there was a benefit to accuracy you would see it done on many guns, you dont so i can guarantee you its been tried and abandoned.

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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by Rob Kovach Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:20 am


Better than spurless, it's a skeleton of a spurless hammer.
Rob Kovach
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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by BE Mike Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:48 pm

I know a lot of shooters like to hold the hammer back when dropping the slide. That is the only drawback that I can think of at the moment.
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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

Post by Colt711 Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:12 am

In the 60's & early 70's there were a few around that were lightened, a few quite radically, but as David said the procedure must not have improved the performance as they have all but disappeared.


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Why no Spurless 1911 hammers? Empty Re: Why no Spurless 1911 hammers?

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