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smoothing out a barrel

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smoothing out a barrel Empty smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/4/2023, 12:52 am

crappy barrel..  scratches, striations, mico burrs that catch lead, and micro splatter in 1 groove. 

WOuld a NECO polishing kit be the best way to polish this crap out


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by JRV 11/4/2023, 7:36 am

How does the barrel shoot?

Other than leading, does it group well—say, with jacketed?

If you already know it groups poorly… is the costs of the kit plus the time and expense of loading and shooting your test loads preferable to just replacing the barrel?


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by NukeMMC 11/4/2023, 11:01 am

Like JRV says ... does it shoot?
My HS Victors have barrels that look like a 5th grader rifled it.  Both will clean any yard line.  I've shot a 9x clean with one ... and I am not that good.
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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by WesG 11/4/2023, 12:50 pm

I've seen a couple barrels like that as well. Shot fine, maybe ... maybe fouled worse than a good one.

I think the factory barrel on my M-41 slugs at .228, and it will outshoot me ... when it cycles properly.


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by jglenn21 11/4/2023, 7:41 pm

VFG felt bore pad and jags along with JB bore.compound.
They are available in all bore sizes
Available from Brownells 

What pistol are you using

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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by WesG 11/4/2023, 9:17 pm

JB will barely take out tool marks from a *good* surface, IME. I use it after cutting a chamber to knock burrs off the lands. Not really sure it does anything other than make me feel good.

Copper fouling is another matter, speeds up the process which includes the nastier bore cleaners.
A bore like the one pictured needs a cast/swaged lap with 320 ... or worse, aluminum oxide lapping compound.

Better yet, drill it out and stuff a liner in it.



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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/5/2023, 2:13 am

yeah   drill out a smith 629-5....  love to see that work out


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by jglenn21 11/5/2023, 4:37 am

Idea is to smooth it out.. you're  not getting getting chatter marks out without a new barrel.

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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/5/2023, 2:54 pm

its not chatter marks.  its scratches/striations running WITH the rifling,, a few lands have micro burrs on the edges that catch lead fast.. and at least one groove has what i can only call welding spatter running as far as teh eye can see. 

SOMETHING happened today, went to the local dunhams... and they had several kinds of 44 magnum ammunition in stock, ended up getting a box of fiochi home defense 240 grain JHP  thats supposedly pushing 1440 fps at the muzzle.. 

BUT the store had an actual smith n wesson 629 classic in the case.  I looked, the barrel was just as dark and nasty as mine was from the factory, and i actually DID see a few scratches in the forcing cone area just like mine.


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by james r chapman 11/5/2023, 5:06 pm

Shoot the jacketed stuff, then clean it.
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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/9/2023, 12:34 pm

i emailed smith customer service... and some woman replied back to use hoppes 9, ONLY inside teh barrel or it would "dissolve the finish on the exterior of the gun". And ONLY to use synthetic brushes... IF NEEDED. 


Tried that fiochi ammo, their self defense ammo, that 240 sjhp is SOFT... hitting dirt at 20 yards and it was turning inside out... 

NOISY... wore my yellow ear muffs, and it sounded like i was shooting my 450 bushmaster without ear protection. that has a muzzle brake. 

I found what i was afraid of.. 

the fiochi groups about 2.5-3 inches.. and only 4" lower then my aiming point. SHooting off hand. 

Looking down the nicely warmed barrel after 18 rounds...  the lands have a nice orange color on each corner so i have a feeling its gonna suck cleaning


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Steve in Allentown 11/9/2023, 4:50 pm

jglenn21 wrote:VFG felt bore pad and jags along with JB bore.compound.  They are available in all bore sizes.  Available from Brownells.
Forgive my ignorance.  I don't recognize "VFG" and a search at Brownells didn't turn up anything with "VFG" in the product description.

I'd appreciate a push in the right direction.
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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by shanneba 11/9/2023, 5:49 pm

Try this:



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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Steve in Allentown 11/9/2023, 6:11 pm

shanneba wrote:Try this:


Thank you.
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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/10/2023, 12:24 am

that is an interesting idea, however, how much effect does jb bore paste normally have on copper jacket fouling


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by shanneba 11/10/2023, 5:34 am

"My borescope showed only a hint of erosion, not enough to affect accuracy, but the bore appeared plated with copper. 
I tried a powerful ammonia solvent, reapplying with a new cotton patch every 15 minutes, but each patch only revealed yet another “geologic” layer of copper, between light powder fouling.

Eventually, I gave up and opened a jar of JB Compound, an abrasive paste that wears away fouling. 
I smeared some on a couple of cotton patches wrapped around a bore brush and stroked the brush back and forth through the bore for 20 minutes. That did the trick."

Barrel Copper Fouling: Accuracy Effects, How to Reduce, When - Shooting Times

The article also has information on a couple of other barrel smoothing products, it is mostly about rifles.
I've only used JB Bore compound on a 220 swift rifle I had years ago. It worked for me then.


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by WesG 11/10/2023, 9:32 am

I had a rifle barrel that had layers of copper and carbon. Solvent for the copper, JB for the carbon. Took a couple days to get it cleaned up.


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by jglenn21 11/10/2023, 2:19 pm

Try the bore coat mentioned by Barness on his article. It.actually works.. I tried it years ago on a.rifle that fouled miserably and it resolved the issue for that rifle.. don't.see why it wouldn't work on a pistol. Just be sure and follow.the prep procedure Exactly before applying the coating

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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by Eindecker 11/14/2023, 9:24 pm

ill look into it, just gotta find it


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smoothing out a barrel Empty Re: smoothing out a barrel

Post by jglenn21 11/16/2023, 6:11 am

Call dyna-tek directly 

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