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S & W model 41 rear sight identification

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S & W model 41 rear sight identification Empty S & W model 41 rear sight identification

Post by jm7480 11/13/2023, 6:33 pm

I'd like  to get  a rear sight for this model 41 barrel . Can anyone give me an approximate year of manufacture or any  information on the type of sight I should look for. My newer 41 circa 2020 has a different rear sight with different dovetail cut.
S & W model 41 rear sight identification Attachment
20231113_170721.jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(89 Kb) Downloaded 5 times
S & W model 41 rear sight identification Attachment
20231113_170744.jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(70 Kb) Downloaded 3 times

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S & W model 41 rear sight identification Empty Re: S & W model 41 rear sight identification

Post by fc60 11/14/2023, 1:22 pm


That looks like the cut for the old original sight that came on the M52 and M41 Heavy Barrel.

This eBay link shows the sight...




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