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Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing

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Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing  Empty Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing

Post by Gustavo1957 Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:01 pm


 My daughter and son n law are in their mid 30's  and just bought their first house in Framingham, MA and I'm trying to figure out how to help them get firearm licenses so I can transfer some of my guns to them.  And it seems I need a "permit" to bring my guns to them when I travel  into MA ?  MA websites are confusing to me. 

They are both good safe shooters and have taken a basic MA firearms course by (2) ex - MA police officers for a basic course so far. Next part of application process seems to need references. 

Since they have rented an apartment for about a year and now are in their house for about 5 months they don't know a lot of residents for references. 

I would appreciate any help with this matter.

My daughter has been shooter from an early age and had a NYS hunting license. My son n law from upstate NY , but only shooting with us on the farm. 

Thank you for any help. Looks like there are gun clubs or Bullseye Clubs around Boston area , but I don't know the area very well and need direction.


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Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing  Empty Re: Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing

Post by Zippy Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:47 pm

Starting point would be https://www.northeastshooters.com/ good forum focused on the Northeast. As for transportation, you being an unlicensed person, that is technically a no-go. Once they get their LTC's, they could then transport them from your home o theirs. You could also ship them to an FFL in Mass. We have restrictions on nasty black guns and magazine capacity. Harvard Sportsmen's Club seems to be well regarded on NES, I've never been as it's too far for me. 
Each town enforces their own policies some will require references and some don't. A weekend trip to a local gun club could be helpful in their case.


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Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing  Empty Re: Need help figuring out state of MA Firearms Licensing

Post by Larry2520 Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:49 pm

This is a prime example of us losing our freedoms. We live our lives by the rules that others dream up for reasons that are not based in reality. Usually they are made up from people we elect and once in power they tell us how to live and behave.


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