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Ransom Rest and FPS

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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by MkFiji 1/5/2024, 9:30 pm

I’m looking to work on my load out month and read that I should work on what’s best for accuracy.  I’ve also read some high masters ransom rest their loads to find what’s best

Was thinking of picking up a ransom rest and a chronograph to make sure my reloads are consistent and accurate without human error.  I understand it may take some time to get a ransom rest to work well and that time spent dry firing is more beneficial than fine tuning loads but my capacity to train with good intention is only so much before I get tired—I can move onto other things that engage my brain differently

Just curious: What do you guys do to find your ideal load for the short and long line.

Would you find a RR and a Xeno C1 helpful?


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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Re: Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by chiz1180 1/5/2024, 10:01 pm

If you can find/make a friend that has a ransom rest and knows how to use it. Saves a ton of time and ammo. 

When I first did my load development for my Wadgun, I loaded 10 rounds of a charge starting in my case, 3.8 bullseye to 4.2 bullseye in 0.05 grain increments. I used ten drop averages from the powder measure to determine the charge weight when setting up each load group.

After getting the gun settled in on the rest, I shot all the 10 shot groups. I did not use a chronograph. I also knew beforehand that my gun was sprung such that it could function all of these loads. 

I found that my gun liked a roughly 0.10-020 range, I picked the middle of that range and use the same charge for both long line and shortline. In this case the group size was roughly 1.7-2" across that particular charge range. 

I did the described testing with a lead bullet, for various reasons I transitioned to shooting jacketed. I did that load development without the ransom rest. I started with a "known" good load, shot it and liked the results. In later ransom testing I found that load was indeed quite good, easily equaling my earlier development.

Long story short, ransom testing isn't 100% needed, and it does take a learning curve to use one to get the correct results. Lots of people have worked up accurate 45 loads across a large variety of guns and have shared that data. It is very easy to go chasing a finite improvement that doesn't translate to useable results. I know lots of people who have proven "x ring" at 50 guns that are barely able to hold the repair center at 50 over an entire match. Testing is important, just know when to move on. Don't chase perfection ignoring good.

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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Re: Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by Merick 1/5/2024, 11:43 pm

Look for accuracy x / steve huff's videos where he is using a ransom rest. I think he operates it better than the ransom rest guys do.

Chronograph data would be handy if you have one but not necessary. I pick charges by watching for reliable goldilocks case ejection shootingfrom the hand. To low will either not eject or drop brass at 1 o'clock at your feet, about right will go a yard or two at 3-4 o'clock, and more than that is excessive.

Odds are that after a lot of work you will have developed load already listed in the pinned thread.


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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Re: Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by BE Mike 1/6/2024, 8:48 am

Start with bullets and powder that have been shown to work for other folks in the bullseye pistol community. Being lazy myself, I always "stole" reloading information from people who did all the hard work. I never bought a chronograph, as the data didn't always translate to accuracy. I did do a significant amount of Ransom Rest tests at 50 yards. You might also buy some factory match ammo to make sure that your pistol is capable. For someone just starting out 3" ten shot groups at 50 yards with your pistol and ammo is good enough. You may find a mildly recoiling load for the short line that is accurate, if you want to go the route to have two kinds of ammo at a match. Knowing that your gun and ammo shoot possibles is a psychological boost in knowing an errant shot "Is all me!".
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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Re: Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by Allgoodhits 1/6/2024, 10:32 am

Just a suggestion. Find a clay pigeon shooter who reloads. Obtain a few empty lead shot bags. Some will fill them with sand. I use uncooked rice. Works as good, settles better and not as heavy. Cradle the gun with firm consistent grip pushing front of trigger guard and dustcover into/onto bags from a bench making sure slide does not touch sandbags. Sight and work trigger as best you can, or if necessary, get someone else to shoot it. Much cheaper, much quicker and can be nearly as good as RR. Better than RR results if RR isn't set up properly, tensioned properly and on a substantial base/platform. Also RR with windage base may be $700 these days.

Another suggestion. Start with a known good load from the pinned sources. Selecting one that that person uses your bullets and powder type. Don't vary much from the powder data. Instead, vary slightly with OAL or Crimp. I believe the tweaking of a known good for decades load will best be adjusted to your gun's chamber and accuracy potential fitting OAL and Crimp instead of powder charge. YRMV.

My $.025 worth.

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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty Re: Ransom Rest and FPS

Post by bruce martindale 1/6/2024, 6:34 pm

Don’t let the front bearing surface jam into the leade of the barrel. Having a little for and aft freedom lets the shell set up the way it wants. Similarly for precision rifle ammo, they’re using full length resizing and making sure there’s some jump between bullet and barrel. In their case, it kills the pressure spike of ignition even though it’s a shorter round. That setup will vary with each pistol barrel

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Ransom Rest and FPS Empty RR

Post by Al 1/6/2024, 7:50 pm

Don't get hung up on the chronograph. When I first started I chronograph'd every Ransom session. What I found was the tightest were not the most consistent velocity wise. I quit using the chronograph for choosing a load. We're not shooting prairie dogs at 700-1000 yds, low SD & ES are not needed in our discipline. We're only shooting 50 yds max.


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