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Relation of crimp to velocity

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by L. Boscoe 1/9/2024, 9:01 pm

I don't know much about thermodynamics, but it seems like a bullet held very tightly might 
have an effect on its velocity, which leads to the question above, the idea being a millisecond or two longer burn time resulting from a tighter crimp.  Izzat so?

L. Boscoe

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Re: Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by Cmysix 1/10/2024, 7:52 pm

all I know that IF you think your powder is not burning completely  IE: dirty, tighten your crimp a little, I don't think crimping to the point of pulling the jacket or the coating off helps at all. In F Class rifle they don't even want to crimp they use a mandrel to achieve 2-3000 of "neck tension" just my 2 cents, novice don't know doo doo.

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Re: Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by james r chapman 1/11/2024, 6:02 am

And Pope just seated the bullet in the rifling and slid the case full of powder in behind it.

Crimp enough to prevent bullet moving recoil
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Re: Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by bruce martindale 1/11/2024, 9:00 am

This isn’t rifle but crimp does affect velocity. Light to heavy is about 50 fps. That doesn’t say anything about precision.

38 factory hbwc used to have a cannelure that bites into the skirt for a better pop from increased bullet pull force.

bruce martindale

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Re: Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by L. Boscoe 1/11/2024, 9:51 am

I thought it might have an effect, which is why I thought Atl. arms rounds higher recoil might be due to a stronger crimp as they had 
the same velocity as my handholds and the same wt bullets.

L. Boscoe

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Relation of crimp to velocity Empty Re: Relation of crimp to velocity

Post by SteveT 1/11/2024, 10:24 am

In my limited experience trying different crimps, it makes a difference, but not a lot. I lost the records but from memory I saw a small, statistically significant, increase in velocity going from light (.469-.470") to medium (.467-.468") to heavy (.465-.466") but didn't see a repeatable difference on the target. Maybe if I had shot a whole lot of rounds I would have seen a difference in accuracy. Maybe. I settled on light-medium crimp, enough so that my shortest pieces of brass still got straightened out and haven't changed.

Of course this was one load and one gun a long time ago. Your mileage may vary.

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