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Hammerli Magazine Resurrection

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Hammerli Magazine Resurrection Empty Hammerli Magazine Resurrection

Post by K38 2/6/2024, 7:15 pm

Dear Friends,

I was recently shooting my quite old and much loved Hammerli International American Model at an indoor range.  Much to my surprise the magazine would not load for the next 5 shots.  Looking at it it was clear something major had happened.  The base, spring, and base latch were all missing.  After some help from a very kind range officer we were able to spot the base and the spring down range.  I didn't know about the metal piece that latches the plastic base on under the spring so it did not get recovered.  I had one other magazine so I was not as upset as I would have been otherwise.  At home that night I was able to examine the aftermath and see that the plastic of the base had failed and I would have to go on a parts safari.  I was able quite quickly to find replacement metal base latches at Red Feather and almost as quickly found 3D printed replacement bases from Shapeways! I was really surprised.  It is my understanding that Hammerli as we always knew it does not really exist any more so parts will be hard to come by.  I received the bases from Shapeways today and with a minimum of fitting and fiddling they worked perfectly with my old magazine tube.


I guess this may be old news but I thought I would share.



I don't know what the model number of the gun I have is but it is a joy to shoot and I hope to always keep it running.  Model 207?? perhaps. I don't know why it is called the American Model either.


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Join date : 2013-04-11

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Hammerli Magazine Resurrection Empty Re: Hammerli Magazine Resurrection

Post by Black_Talon 2/6/2024, 9:34 pm

I bought a bunch of those Shapeways 3D bases years ago to replace the aging original Hammerli pads on my set of mags. They've been working great for at least 5 years now, and are showing no signs of wear or failure at the attachment point.

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