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9mm slide stop for 1911

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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by Froneck 3/3/2024, 7:39 am

I see slide stops for 1911 in ebay that are 9mm, anyone know what the difference is?


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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Re: 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by chiz1180 3/3/2024, 8:18 am

Dimensioned slightly different for the 9mm magazines

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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Re: 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by Froneck 3/3/2024, 8:54 am

chiz1180 wrote:Dimensioned slightly different for the 9mm magazines
 I assumed that but what is slightly different? Looking to possibly use it in my .22 conversion.


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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Re: 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by chiz1180 3/3/2024, 9:04 am

About 0.025" longer on the portion that contacts the mag.

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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Re: 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by Froneck 3/3/2024, 9:33 am

chiz1180 wrote:About 0.025" longer on the portion that contacts the mag.
OK Thanks!!


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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Colt 9mm S/S is marked with a #3

Post by jjfitch 3/3/2024, 9:39 am

Although they are marked with a #3 in the Colt, other manufacturers are not! S/A has (if not presently) ships their 9mm/38Sup with the same S/S used in their 45ACP. The 45 S/S may or may not work with 9mm mags it depends on the dimensions of the follower and how close it is to the S/S. Some followers can be "adjusted" to accommodate the 45 S/S reliably some not so much! Smile

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9mm slide stop for 1911 Empty Re: 9mm slide stop for 1911

Post by Froneck 3/3/2024, 10:07 am

I have quite a few 1911 s/s pins for .45acp. Not interested in using the 9mm s/s pin in the 45acp slide. Looking for something slightly wider to fit German die cast .22 mags I fitted in my .22 conversion. I did bore a .203" hole in a 45acp s/s where the pin is so I have a hole. Works but if I release the slide with the mag inserted the s/s will climb over the tab. Wider will be better.


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