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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by Wobbley 3/19/2024, 1:27 pm


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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by JHHolliday 3/19/2024, 1:48 pm

Surprising they still care about pistol.  With battle as it is now the instruction time would probably be better spent on drone piloting.

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by Cmysix 3/19/2024, 3:02 pm

as long as it increases the life span of a marine on the battle field and increases the enemy's chances of dying for his country, OOOOH RAH! Semper Fi!   I never have carried in my life time(i've done some sketchee shit) But I am now doing IDPA AND USPSA So if I have to defend myself, I might survive.

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Ooh-Rah

Post by Randy_D 3/19/2024, 7:25 pm

Not everything is drones and don't wait till it hits the fan to find out.  When I was in the corp we were taught everything was a weapon, bayonet (on and off the rifle), entrenching tool, helmet (not the kevlar of today but Steel pots) and all were better than your hands but even then a fair number have been killed by someones hands.

Semper Fi Marines, keep changing with the times as needed but never forget basic marksmanship.



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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by BE Mike 3/20/2024, 9:57 am

The Marines have always had the right attitude about small arms training. Looks like they have found a balance between speed and accuracy.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by jjfitch 3/20/2024, 1:27 pm

Good to hear! Smile

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by straybrit 3/20/2024, 1:53 pm

BE Mike wrote:The Marines have always had the right attitude about small arms training. Looks like they have found a balance between speed and accuracy.
To (sorta) quote a marine shooting buddy - "The only point to having a handgun is to fight your way back to the rifle you shouldn't have left behind"


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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by BE Mike 3/21/2024, 8:33 am

straybrit wrote:
BE Mike wrote:The Marines have always had the right attitude about small arms training. Looks like they have found a balance between speed and accuracy.
To (sorta) quote a marine shooting buddy - "The only point to having a handgun is to fight your way back to the rifle you shouldn't have left behind"
I had (he passed away not too long ago from diabetes) an Army friend who had been tunnel ratting in RVN. He was sitting with his back resting against a tree. He heard a sound, got up and came face to face with an NVA soldier with an AK. My buddy reacted first and took out the enemy soldier with one shot from his 1911a1. I have a buddy who was an MP in the Corp in RVN. He was attacked by an enemy soldier and put him down with one shot from his 1911a1. Yeah, rifles are great in combat. Grenades, machine guns, mortars, artillery, naval gun fire and close-in air support are tops, too, but sometimes you have to play the hand that you are dealt.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards Empty Re: The Marine Corps changes the Qualification standards

Post by JHHolliday 3/21/2024, 1:17 pm

There's always drone bullseye


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