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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry Empty Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

Post by xcutter45 3/22/2024, 9:26 am

I had a thread asking for pics of a Nelson iron sight rail. A list member sent me a PM that they had one stripped that they would sell.  Unfortunately I  cleaned up my PM`s and lost the message and don`t remember who sent it.  If you happen to see this and still have it, would you please reach out.  Thanks, Jerry


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Join date : 2016-09-26
Location : N. Central, IL

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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry Empty Re: Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

Post by xcutter45 3/23/2024, 9:00 am

TTT still looking


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Location : N. Central, IL

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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry Empty Re: Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

Post by xcutter45 3/24/2024, 3:08 pm

TTT one more try...sure wish I could remember who PM'd me!


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Location : N. Central, IL

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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry Empty Re: Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

Post by Jack H 3/24/2024, 4:41 pm

Confused.  Are you looking for pictures of the Nelson?  Or the rail
Jack H
Jack H

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Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry Empty Re: Stripped Nelson iron sight rail querry

Post by xcutter45 3/24/2024, 5:40 pm

Hello Jack,  Had a thread a while ago looking for a pic of the rear sight on a Nelson iron sight rail.   Received several pics  (exactly what I was looking for).  Also had one person send me a PM stating he had one with no sights that he offered to sell (prominent list member, no scam) but I can't recall who it was and inadvertently deleted the PM.


Posts : 54
Join date : 2016-09-26
Location : N. Central, IL

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