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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by xcutter45 1/27/2024, 6:22 pm

Interested in replacing a Nelson optic rail with their iron sight rail (not the combo. one). Would like to see the rear sight blade from the back side.  All pics I have seen and on their website and elsewhere typically side view and pretty non-descript.  If anyone that might have one would post, email (xcutter45@sbcglobal.net) or PM me a pic, I would truly appreciate it.  Thanks


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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by chiz1180 1/27/2024, 6:44 pm

I have not had a nelson iron rail in a while, but if recall correctly the rear sight assembly is the same as on the combo rib. Here are the square and rounded sight blades.
 Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Nelson10

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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by xcutter45 1/28/2024, 8:25 am

Great, thanks a lot chiz. Guessing the one on the right is the iron sight rail and on the left the combo? Sight picture on the right is what I was hoping for. Thanks again!


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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by chiz1180 1/28/2024, 9:49 am

Both are combo rails. I am fairly certain the rear sight assemblies (goldcup/ eliason style) for both the combo and Irons rails are the same. The difference is the rear blade selection, you can get square or rounded.

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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by xcutter45 1/28/2024, 11:22 am

Yes, I was aware of that.  Trying for a pic from behind a gun fitted with a dedicated iron sight rail.  Thanks again for the replies


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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by ScottB 1/28/2024, 11:43 am

Here's a pic from the rear and top view.

Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Nelson10Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Nelson11

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Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic Empty Re: Nelson Conversion iron sight rail pic

Post by xcutter45 1/28/2024, 5:33 pm

Scott,  Exactly what I was wanting to see. Appeared that part of the rear blade is obstructed by the back of the rib.  Looked to be the case in the side view pics but couldn`t tell for sure.  Thanks a lot!  Jerry


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