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FIrst split case

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FIrst split case Empty FIrst split case

Post by Eindecker 3/29/2024, 1:11 pm

38 special, remington umc green box 38 special 130 grain fmj flat point

250 round mega pack. Purchased sometime in 2011.  Finally using it up.. First split case i have ever had. Even firing elmer 38 special loads.. and its a factory remington. 

I will admit, these slugs do have kick. That flat point makes the world of difference. And to be honest, the recoil was rather similar to +p 158 grain swc load per Lyman cast bullet 3


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Join date : 2022-10-08

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FIrst split case Empty Re: FIrst split case

Post by Wobbley 3/29/2024, 2:17 pm

It happens.  Unless the split goes thru the head (rim area) of the case, there are allowances for splits in other areas that are “acceptable” to a limited number depending on the lot size that will not cause the ammunition to be rejected.

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FIrst split case Empty Re: FIrst split case

Post by tomd999 3/29/2024, 2:21 pm

It won’t be your last split 38, I think they have a certain percentage pre-split just to make us buy more cases. All kidding aside, new or old cases makes no difference, you’re going to have split 38’s. If you get nickel plated ones, they’ll split more often.


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Join date : 2017-02-26

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