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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by jareds06 4/16/2024, 3:05 pm

I made a few videos about this sport and am trying to promote it as much as possible on my youtube channel. If you know anyone who might be interested in bullseye but don't know where to start, I think this provides just enough information to get people started as well as showing what a full length national match course looks like. Yes the title is clickbaity, that's just part of the game and I want people to watch these videos and feel challenged or "dared" to get into this sport, because everyone on the internet is a tough guy. No this is not an attempt to self-promote through this forum, I get plenty of views without needing to promote myself on this forum, but I think this is a good video that you all here might be able to share with someone that you know who shows interest in the sport and they can watch this on their own time rather than you try and explain everything all in one go/off the cuff.

I also just made one on service pistol. 


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Join date : 2024-03-26

john bickar, bruce martindale, JimH, gasixgunner, Merick, hengehold, tovaert and like this post

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by SingleActionAndrew 4/16/2024, 5:40 pm

I watched the first one where you do a NMC with the 22 as well as the 2nd, more abbreviated SP video. Really well done. I love the shots on target synchronized with the shooting. I was glad you showed scoring. The comradery of it all didn't make it into the videos but I appreciated them.

Nice shooting, by the way.

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by JHHolliday 4/17/2024, 8:08 am

Yes - excellent video with clear explanation (and shooting!). 

Worth pinning for new shooter info?

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by messenger 4/17/2024, 8:22 am

Excellent videos explaining the sport. Not to mention great shooting with open sights. I do have a question not pertaining to the subject matter of the videos. Can you dry fire a Hammerli without risking damage?


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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by jareds06 4/17/2024, 1:17 pm

messenger wrote:Excellent videos explaining the sport. Not to mention great shooting with open sights. I do have a question not pertaining to the subject matter of the videos. Can you dry fire a Hammerli without risking damage?

I've dryfired mine without a plug plenty, usually when on the firing line of a match getting my POA. I don't go out of my way do it, but it looks like it doesn't extend far enough to strike the breech face, only far enough to crush the rim of a case. The biggest thing when it comes to dryfiring "damaging" a firing pin, and this applies to rimfires and centerfires, is Newton's first law. 

Any high quality firearm made this side of the 19th century should have some kind of stop that prevents the firing pin from travelling too far which of course can lead to punctured primers on centerfire guns, damage to breechface on rimfires etc. When talking about firing pin breakages due to or during dryfire, sually what you will see is the firing pin will have been compromised at some point beforehand, ie a crack has developed around the base of the firing pin tip or in the firing pin tip/portion unsupported past the stop, and dryfiring exacerbates the crack because the whole firing pin stops, but that tip wants to keep moving forward, eventually breaking off. 

Anyways glad you like the video(s)

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by Pinetree 4/18/2024, 5:36 am

Excellent videos.


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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by Texasref 4/20/2024, 5:50 am

Very well done and informative.
Keep up the good shooting also.


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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by wjwillia 5/22/2024, 5:20 pm

Great job on the videos and good shooting too.  Thanks for posting.


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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

Post by Dpswift 8/14/2024, 11:48 am

These are great videos.


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Join date : 2017-02-04

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I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport Empty Re: I made some videos to share with beginners/those interested in the sport

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