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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Ed Hall
john bickar
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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/2/2024, 5:50 pm

First topic message reminder :

Setting aside the argument or discussion of whether brass needs to be trimmed for accuracy purposes. What dimension should be used relative to your chamber dimension ? And what is the proper way to get the chamber spec can a caliper be used to get an accurate measurement. 
Thanks !!


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/7/2024, 6:21 pm

Thanks I'm not going to quit as long as I'm able it's fun and I have a good time with the guy's or at least some of them ! lol


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/7/2024, 6:23 pm

Are extreme 200 grain HP plated bullets any good they are on sale and free shipping ?


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by john bickar 5/7/2024, 6:26 pm

Muzzlestuffer wrote:I appreciate all the comments but I see nothing wrong with asking questions and learning about a subject whether you use the information or not it's good to have in the round file for troubleshooting or whatever

You good. We just like to mess around with each other.

Most of us see each other on a regular basis and will literally bust b*lls.

Wear a cup, and clean your f*cking short line.
john bickar
john bickar

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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/7/2024, 6:33 pm

Alright I gotch ya !


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by john bickar 5/7/2024, 7:05 pm

DA/SA wrote:Not embarrassing at all. This isn't an easy game to learn.
I have a scorebook that I pass around in my clinics that shows me shooting a 100/300 possible in a NMC in 1988.

Everyone. Starts. Somewhere.
john bickar
john bickar

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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by PhotoEscape 5/7/2024, 8:10 pm

john bickar wrote:I have a scorebook that I pass around in my clinics that shows me shooting a 100/300 possible in a NMC in 1988.

Everyone. Starts. Somewhere.
I believe, you were in kindergarten at that time!  Wish I started while there as well!


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by chiz1180 5/7/2024, 8:38 pm

Muzzlestuffer wrote:Alright I gotch ya !
Nothing wrong with your question at all, but for reference somewhat regularly people ask similar type questions expecting an answer that will magically improve their shooting, but as made fairly obvious here this is a fairly simple game that people try to over complicate.

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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/7/2024, 9:51 pm

Not looking for miracles !


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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by john bickar 5/7/2024, 10:04 pm

PhotoEscape wrote:
john bickar wrote:I have a scorebook that I pass around in my clinics that shows me shooting a 100/300 possible in a NMC in 1988.

Everyone. Starts. Somewhere.
I believe, you were in kindergarten at that time!  Wish I started while there as well!

45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 135

Ackchuyually, I think I was in middle school, Alex.
john bickar
john bickar

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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by MkFiji 5/8/2024, 12:28 am

Muzzlestuffer wrote:Thanks for the replies I guess I might have posed the question incorrectly? How long should the case be in relation to the chamber length and or hood obviously either flush or below the hood if these dimensions matter ?

Base of the cartridge should be flush to your hood.  Did you fit a hood yourself?  You can always plunk the cartridge and see if it's flush.  

I've had to ream two kart barrels quite a bit due my SA 1911 Target Loaded dimensions

On the idea of doing everything to make the most accurate ammo, I think I've read probably over a hundred  threads on here and a few other forums from the last decade about accurate reloading for 45ACP.  Because it's a pistol cartridge it's time wasted to spec everything to get a 1" load.  Just copy the specs of top loaders, shoot it, if it groups good, load a couple thousand of them and then dry fire more than you shoot.  This isn't rifle, it's only 25 yards away and 50 yards away

If I were to go back in time, I would stop reading all those threads and just dry fire, strength train, work on fitness, and date more.   The nuances of reloading for an inch better group is time wasted IMO

For a data point for you, here's my best target that I shot during timed.  It was with two different loads, Atlanta Arms 185JHP and a reload of 4.3gr BE at same specs of Atlanta Arms.

The kick is different with each load but in the end, it didn't matter for the short line.  Where I am in my journey, I realize that it's more of getting everything to subconscious level and then stop getting in the way of yourself performing exactly what you've been training.  Which is more shot process and dry fire!

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45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting  - Page 2 Empty Re: 45 ACP case trimming for Bullseye shooting

Post by Guest 5/8/2024, 7:38 am

Hello, no I didn't fit the barrel in this particular gun. I always do the plunk test to verify ammo fits and cycles properly. I like you suggestions especially the strength and dry firing I'm 6'-2' and 220 been an electrician my whole life except the last few years I'm out of the field and turning into a pencil pushing whatever so that comment hits home for me my current job does not keep me in shape like it used to. As far as my quest for a better load I guess it's just out of habit to try to get the best accuracy from years of handgun hunting with my 454 and lately my 10mm 1911 but everybody's points are well taken. 


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