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Hammerli Xesse barrel weight

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Hammerli Xesse barrel weight Empty Hammerli Xesse barrel weight

Post by Foundryratjim 5/5/2024, 4:53 pm

I am looking for info on how much difference they make. I have a 30 mm Matchdot mounted. The gun feels light. Does the weight help you steady it easier?


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Hammerli Xesse barrel weight Empty Re: Hammerli Xesse barrel weight

Post by chiz1180 5/5/2024, 6:26 pm

How does the gun balance for you? 

In my experimentation with weight, especially on a 22, a well balanced gun is less fatiguing to shoot that a gun that is heavier for the sake of more weight, especially in a 900. 

Stick on lead wheel weights are an effective way to experiment with weight.

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Hammerli Xesse barrel weight Empty Re: Hammerli Xesse barrel weight

Post by -TT- 5/6/2024, 3:28 pm

I like the feel with a Walther 100g front weight, and found that 35g and 65g (which I made by stuffing the stock plastic "cover") were too little. The pistol is still light however, it requires a relatively firm grip and quite a bit of concentration.

I have a Larry's scope mount, which brings it up around 150g, and you can even add the same weights to it as you use on the frame. But my shoulder does not let me go that far, currently.

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Hammerli Xesse barrel weight Empty Re: Hammerli Xesse barrel weight

Post by Foundryratjim 5/6/2024, 3:37 pm

I have some stick on lead weights I use on model airplaned. I will use those to experiment with the next time I practice with it.


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Age : 66
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