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options for spotting shots

james r chapman
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options for spotting shots Empty options for spotting shots

Post by 285wannab 5/6/2024, 12:20 pm

Hi All,
Something I don't do which I probably should start is viewing my shots.  I  don't have a box or a scope at the moment.  Which one of you just bought a mint 3 gun box?  Anyways I was thinking maybe a monocular might be an option.  Does anyone use one of these?  I only shoot inside at 50'.
Also I checked recently with Walthers about the CSP.  They said it still hasn't been released yet and they have no idea when it will be.


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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by Foundryratjim 5/6/2024, 12:26 pm

That's what i use for 50 feet and 25 yards. Works fine


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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by james r chapman 5/6/2024, 1:07 pm

At 50’ I can spot .22 holes outside the black.  options for spotting shots 1f62d
james r chapman
james r chapman

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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by John Dervis 5/6/2024, 10:12 pm

I used a small monocular when I used to shoot an indoor league. It worked pretty well for that purpose. If you really wanted to, you can probably rig up a stand or tripod but using it by hand is the way I did it.


John Dervis

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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by john bickar 5/7/2024, 1:33 am

Scope every shot - unless you're shooting doubles or triples; thanks, Chris - in which case, scope when you put the gun down.
I  don't have a box or a scope at the moment
Get one. Get both.

Feedback is a gift.

Thank me later.
john bickar
john bickar

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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by chiz1180 5/7/2024, 7:09 am

john bickar wrote:Scope every shot - unless you're shooting doubles or triples; thanks, Chris - in which case, scope when you put the gun down.
I  don't have a box or a scope at the moment
Get one. Get both.

Feedback is a gift.

Thank me later.
doubles-triples are a bit on a special case thing. I probably should make a thread explaining.

At 50 ft indoor, most scopes I have used/borrowed work well.

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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by JRV 5/7/2024, 8:10 am

A scope is more useful than a box but that’s like saying air is more useful than water.  

Both are necessary tools for this sport.  Nothing builds confidence like training your brain to call shots down to the clock hour and scoring ring. Can’t train that skill without long-line scoping. Staying organized with a shot-by-shot routine is vital, and a box really helps that.  It also gives you a place to mount a brass deflector and a scope, minimizing distractions and unnecessary body movement.


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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by 285wannab 5/7/2024, 11:02 am

james r chapman wrote:At 50’ I can spot .22 holes outside the black.  options for spotting shots 1f62d
Yea I can see those 5s.  Those are the ones with a spotlight on them and a caption above saying haha


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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by 285wannab 5/7/2024, 11:08 am

john bickar wrote:Scope every shot - unless you're shooting doubles or triples; thanks, Chris - in which case, scope when you put the gun down.
I  don't have a box or a scope at the moment
Get one. Get both.

Feedback is a gift.

Thank me later.
I was looking at an almost new 3 gun case.  Wasn't sure about mounting a scope on it so I passed.  What came up was the same box with a scope included.  I did buy that one.
Thanks Wink


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options for spotting shots Empty Re: options for spotting shots

Post by john bickar 5/7/2024, 11:41 am

chiz1180 wrote:
john bickar wrote:Scope every shot - unless you're shooting doubles or triples; thanks, Chris - in which case, scope when you put the gun down.
I  don't have a box or a scope at the moment
Get one. Get both.

Feedback is a gift.

Thank me later.
doubles-triples are a bit on a special case thing. I probably should make a thread explaining.

At 50 ft indoor, most scopes I have used/borrowed work well.
I shoot doubles and triples all the time in Slow Fire. When it is working well, I go with it.

Ever wonder why you can shoot a tight knot in Timed Fire but Slow Fire is all over the map?

I had a mentor watching me shoot SF once and he said something along the lines of, "I notice you shoot two or three shots at times, and other times you only shoot one. Why don't you shoot doubles and triples always?"

My response: "You have it backwards, my friend. Doubles and triples are the outcome of when I'm shooting well; they are not the cause. When it is working, double down. When it is not, slow down and re-check your shot plan."

You're playing with house money shooting doubles and triples in SF when it's working. If that trigger finger is moving smoothly, it ain't getting any better.
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