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Cleaning during the season

Ed Hall
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Cleaning during the season Empty Cleaning during the season

Post by Amp 5/9/2024, 8:32 am

I shoot bullseye with a 686+ and 38 special ammo. Last season (winter) I shot really good for me, even though I changed loads a few times.
My question is how often do you clean your equipment during the season??
My revolver gets dirty way before my .22 (Ruger Mark IV and Smith 617).
Summer league is starting soon.


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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by chiz1180 5/9/2024, 8:35 am

I detail clean my wadgun and 22 conversion every 500 rnds or so. I remove the slide and wipe down the grim from the rails and what not roughly every 250rnds or so. Revolvers get wiped down before putting away. I clean the cylinder and barrel as needed.

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by Ed Hall 5/10/2024, 2:57 am

When I was heavily competing, all my guns were detail cleaned and lubed the night before every weekend competition and my .45 wad gun barrel was scrubbed between Center Fire and .45 matches.  More in depth cleaning was done, if time permitted.  No cleaning was done during the week for leagues.

Ed Hall

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by chiz1180 5/10/2024, 3:12 am


A bit of a side note, how would you define "heavily competing"?

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by Amp 5/10/2024, 7:24 am

Our league last for 14 weeks and I don't like waiting that long to clean. Bullseye powder is dirty. I have also use power pistol and 321 to reduce smoke indoors.
Outdoor league starts soon and runs for 14 weeks also. The line is not covered so rain may compound things.


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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by Ed Hall 5/11/2024, 3:50 am

chiz1180 wrote:Ed,

A bit of a side note, how would you define "heavily competing"?
"Back in the day. . ."

I was shooting up to around 30 2700s in a season.

But back then my schedule was roughly:

Monday - other stuff
Tuesday - 90 round .22 league at lunch
Wednesday - 90 round .22 league at lunch and 180 (.22/.45) league in evening
Thursday - 90 round .22 league at lunch
Friday - other stuff and gun cleaning
Saturday - 2700, or .22/CF of 2700 (for two-day competitions), or  180 (.22/.45) league in morning
Sunday - 2700 or .45/SP of 2700 (for two-day competitions)
Most of the two-day matches also included fired team matches.
Some of the weekends had 2700s on both Saturday and Sunday at different venues.

Those were "the good old days. . ."

Ed Hall

Posts : 1092
Join date : 2012-09-10
Location : Adirondack Mountains


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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by chopper 5/11/2024, 4:10 am

Ed, you would physically need strong and toned muscles for that weekly schedule. Not to mention having a good job to allow you the time for it. My friend Paul would shoot a lot like that, his forearms were like hard oak clubs.


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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by SingleActionAndrew 5/11/2024, 6:21 am

Ed Hall wrote:When I was heavily competing, all my guns were detail cleaned and lubed the night before every weekend competition and my .45 wad gun barrel was scrubbed between Center Fire and .45 matches.  More in depth cleaning was done, if time permitted.  No cleaning was done during the week for leagues.
When you have a big match the next night/week, do you lube the barrel or chamber at all, or perfectly dry? Thanks!

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by chiz1180 5/11/2024, 10:09 am

I have only shot 35 2700s in my "career", let alone a season, some serious shooting! I feel like I need to go eat some vegetables and dryfire now..

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by bruce martindale 5/12/2024, 1:50 am

Side note….for Revolvers, I use a rag to wipe the cylinder after firing to reduce lead transfer to my hands. I use a pull through cleaning device before the first shot. I brush out between jacketed and lead. I clean 22s ( and others) when I start getting malfunctions. Wipe the frame saddle and underbarrel in 45s for every match.. Cleaning falls into Religion and Politics. If you think you need it, you do.

bruce martindale

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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by Jwhelan939 5/12/2024, 3:58 am

Do y’all find that you have to clean a 1911 22 conversion more often? I’d clean my Pardini every 1500 rds or so. 45 around 500. The conversion seems to get real dirty though.


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Cleaning during the season Empty Re: Cleaning during the season

Post by Ed Hall 5/12/2024, 4:40 am

I never intentionally placed any oil into the barrels or onto the ammo in those days, unless I needed to, to complete a match due to malfunctions.

Ed Hall

Posts : 1092
Join date : 2012-09-10
Location : Adirondack Mountains


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