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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Rob Kovach
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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by DavidR 4/16/2014, 9:44 am

Anybody tested the accuracy of a RO with 230 ball ammo? Deciding whether to build one into a ball gun or not.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by gitkrunk 4/16/2014, 11:00 am

I would like to know as well

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by Rob Kovach 4/16/2014, 11:03 am

I've got some machine rest ball gun testing scheduled for this weekend.  An RO is one of the guns I will be testing.  I will get back to you with my results.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by gitkrunk 4/16/2014, 11:18 am

Rob Kovach wrote:I've got some machine rest ball gun testing scheduled for this weekend.  An RO is one of the guns I will be testing.  I will get back to you with my results.
Good to hear

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by kczerwin 4/16/2014, 12:59 pm

Got your snow shoes Rob?


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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by LenV 4/16/2014, 3:24 pm

Not a machine rest result but I switched one over to a hardball gun and won the only EIC match I shot it in. It will hold the 10 ring at 50 yds if I do my job.


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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/17/2014, 5:21 am

Winchester White Box, 230gr FMJ at 25 yards, 5 rounds slow fire.  Standing, unsupported, two hands.

Since it wasn't benched or in a ransom rest I can't speak to or guarantee the mechanical accuracy as I'm inherently at fault for any deviation.  I was just seeing how well it would do. I forgot my screw driver to adjust the sights, since I had just got it back from SACS, but the group is the important part.  Previously, my RO tended to "string" and the trigger pull was a bit heavy before going to Springfield Custom.  It now has a custom fit bushing and a 4lb trigger, other than that, bone stock. 

I would say for $715 for the pistol + $160 in gunsmith work from Springfield Custom, it works alright Wink

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy BestGroup25Yards_zpsa2382e34

Last edited by JayhawkNavy02 on 4/19/2014, 12:23 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by Colt711 4/17/2014, 1:34 pm

I think I see 30 points in that group. 

Keep in mind the gospel according to pistol saints; "Know not the moment of thy trigger letoff".



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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by Rob Kovach 4/20/2014, 1:05 am

I was able to do some "machine rest" testing with my buddy's stock Springfield Range Officer and some various 230gr FMJ Hardball ammo.

I want to first point out that my rest is an old Lee Machine pistol rest and NOT a properly operated Ransom Rest.  I don't have access to a range that has benches that are stable enough to get Ransom quality results, but I will explain how these results are good enough to at least have some level of relevance.

I believe that my results are within an inch or so of what a perfectly operated Ransom rest could produce.

All of the 10 shot groups below were fired at 50yards from the Lee rest.  I'm not sure if the big custom shops do their gun testing and measure 10 shot groups, but that's what I have here.  Of course a 10 shot group will be larger than a guns best 3 shot group.  I drew a 10 ring sized circle around each group.

I start my results with a "known good" gun with ammo that we know that gun likes.  This is a fancy, high-dollar, custom shooting 200gr H&G68 LSWCs over 3.8gr Bullseye that should shoot a sub 2" group with this gun.  I was only able to get 2 separate 5 round 1.5" groups-- each group from it's own magazine.  Bench rest testing is not easy.  The pros can get a sub 2" 10 shot group with this gun and ammo combination.  I only got 2.7" today with my setup.

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Dsc_0110

The next group is from the stock RO shooting Winchester White Box.  This group is an underwhelming 5.3" group, but it would still score a 95.  If you factor in my 1" margin of error for the shooting bench, it's really not terrible.

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Dsc_0112

This next group would have scored a 98 slow fire. This target is Remington UMCs. 5.5" overall group--but again, consider the fudge factor for the shortcomings of the shooting bench.

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Dsc_0113

This group is from aluminum case, small primer, CCI Blazer.  5" group, but it was harder to catch more of the shots into the 10 ring circle.

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Dsc_0114

This last group was the best.  From my handloads that I made for the short line.  Only 4.3gr BE under Zero 230gr FMJs.  A 3.8" group and a 99 score.

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Dsc_0115

In summary, a Stock Springfield Range Officer is better with Wadcutter ammo (this gun shoots 3" wadcutter groups with this machine rest) than it is with 230GR FMJs--but in my opinion, it is accurate enough to get you to the much more forgiving short line.  The 10s you shoot at the long line would be easy Xs at the short line.

I still think for the price, you couldn't go wrong with a Springfield RO.

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by gitkrunk 4/20/2014, 1:12 am

Thanks for the work rob.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by JayhawkNavy02 4/20/2014, 6:57 am

Very nice Rob!  Thank you for the effort to post the results.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by BE Mike 4/20/2014, 12:07 pm

I agree Rob. It is accurate enough to get you a leg, if you do your part.
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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by gitkrunk 4/20/2014, 12:28 pm

Just picked a RO the bushing fit leaves much to be desired first thing I'll be replacing.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by Rob Kovach 4/20/2014, 12:34 pm

All of the Springfields that I have shot have bushings that are loose enough to move without a wrench--but it doesn't seem to effect accuracy.  Do some shooting with it and get a baseline before fitting a new bushing.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by gitkrunk 4/20/2014, 12:57 pm

I'm going to use it as a backup hardball gun/ dedicated 22 so it's gotta get worked on anyways.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by DavidR 4/21/2014, 9:23 am

3'' groups @50yds is very acceptable with 230 ammo, Its all les bare and other hardball gun builders guns will guarantee. With a very good recipe and quality component's I believe a RO will do very close to that too.  Mine gets here tomorrow, it will get a new tight bushing, new hammer, grip safety and a new thumb safety then I will see how it does.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by DeweyHales 4/21/2014, 1:49 pm

These threads with actual pictures and data are great.  Thank you for taking the time to test and then post.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by Motorcycle_dan 10/8/2014, 9:54 am

I'm a big fan of the RO Springfield.  One thing I don't like about them is the metal used in the stock sear and hammer.  You have to replace hammer anyway, I'd get a USMC kit from Cylinder and slide.  Then have someone install it with a medium roll.  The MSH has the safety lock.  Plunger and springs should be replaced with conventional 1911 parts.  Other than that, good to go.

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Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy Empty Re: Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy

Post by JayhawkNavy02 10/8/2014, 11:02 am

Rob Kovach wrote:All of the Springfields that I have shot have bushings that are loose enough to move without a wrench--but it doesn't seem to effect accuracy.  Do some shooting with it and get a baseline before fitting a new bushing.

Paid SACS to replace and fit a match grade bushing and they refit the barrel and corrected the slide to frame fit under warranty, the combination was a reduction of the group size by about 1/2 what it initially produced.  Below is my return target from Springfield Armory.  Shot from a sand bag, not a ransom rest, but it goes to show that the RO can produce some very nice groups with bulk Federal FMJ ammunition.

25 Yards
Federal 230gr FMJ
5 Shots

Springfield RO 230 FMJ accuracy SmallPhotoTestTarget_zpsbab7d256

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