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Grips for a 952

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Grips for a 952 Empty Grips for a 952

Post by LenV Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:30 pm

Grips for a 952 are scarce as hens teeth.I recently tried to swap anyone that was interested a nice set of Herrett Target grips for a set of Herrett nationals for a model 52. I know I can make 52 grips work since that is what I have been using for the last two years. I gave up and made a set for the 952. I am posting these pictures because this is a doable solution.I have big hands but short fingers and had a hard time getting my finger to the trigger with larger grips. I started with Herrett's for a 1911 and went to work with a dremmel tool,drill,and a very sharp knife.The lower set of holes are perfect and can be left alone.You then just drill and shape the upper set of holes and the right side is done.There is a little wood that has to come out of the inside of the left grip and a little relief near the slide release.I spent a total of about 90 minutes and was satisfied with the results.The grips will still go back on a 1911.The extra set of holes are still there.I just covered them with friction tape.Grips for a 952 Dscf0312

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Grips for a 952 Empty Re: Grips for a 952

Post by LenV Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:32 pm

The left side shows a little more of the safety then I like and may add wood sometime.Grips for a 952 Dscf0313

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Age : 74
Location : Oregon

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Grips for a 952 Empty Re: Grips for a 952

Post by saleen322 Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:51 pm

Thanks for the post. I have a 952 and really like it but, as you mentioned, it is very hard to get things for it. The fact that 1911 grips can be modified provides an option that I was unaware of.  Thanks again for the information!


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Location : Homosassa, FL

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