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Fitting a rib to a 1911

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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by straybrit 7/26/2014, 6:02 pm

Background - I have a Kimber TLE II (yes, yes - I know - I was younger and stupid) which Dave Salyer somehow managed to make into a decent wad gun. Prior to his expert touch the local gunsmith fitted a frame mount for a red dot. I've never really been happy with it, it's always managed to move very slightly no matter how tight the screws are (if I use any more locktite they'll give me shares in the company) and I've finally had enough. Once KC put a new trigger in at Perry the mount is now the top of the irritation list.

What I think I'd like is a 45 version of the combo rib I have on my Marvel - i.e. a slide mount which gives me the iron sight option for backup / practice.

Rather than repeat the mistakes of yester year I thought that this time I'd solicit some expert input to the decision.

So - recommendations please for selection of rib/mount (I'll continue to use my matchdot) and reliable smith to fit it.



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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by LenV 7/26/2014, 9:08 pm

This sorta kinda does what you are asking. If the scope or mount fails you can be shooting iron sights in a couple of minutes by removing 3 little screws and the 2 big ones on the dot.Fitting a rib to a 1911 Dscf0210

There are more picture further down in the list here under. " Is your RO hardball or wad"

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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by sixftunda 7/26/2014, 9:23 pm

Rock River makes a "Bullseye rib" with iron sights.  I have one I would sell for 75 shipped.

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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/27/2014, 5:48 am

I'll take it!

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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by straybrit 7/27/2014, 2:03 pm

kc.crawford.7 wrote:I'll take it!
Getting to a keyboard that early on a Sunday is cheating. Smile 

OK - now I know how much you paid for it - how much would you charge to fit it?


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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/27/2014, 2:10 pm

Let me look at it. I think I'm going to have to replace the elevation screw. But to answer your question just drill and tap would be $40.00. Lighten the rib would add another $75.00.

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Fitting a rib to a 1911 Empty Re: Fitting a rib to a 1911

Post by straybrit 7/27/2014, 2:54 pm

OK - pm sent.


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Join date : 2012-09-05

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