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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by farmboy 9/16/2014, 9:55 pm

I need to replace the firing pin on my Xesse. I called Larry's looking for instructions and was emailed a link to the manual which doesn't help me.
I have tried to find instructions via google search with no luck.

After you knock out the little pin, what do you do next to remove the firing pin?

Any body replaced one and can give me the quick run down

Yes, I know, Im weak in the gun smith dept but wanting to learn 


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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Re: Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by LenV 9/17/2014, 8:55 am


  It looks like the only thing holding it in is the retaining pin. Part number 41 on the pdf.


If it is like the other sig/hammerli you have to push the firing pin forward to remove the retainer. And part number 38 looks like it may have to be pushed in for firing pin to clear . It has a cutaway shaped like the pin.

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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Re: Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by farmboy 9/17/2014, 8:40 pm

OldMaster64 wrote:Farmboy,

  It looks like the only thing holding it in is the retaining pin. Part number 41 on the pdf.


If it is like the other sig/hammerli you have to push the firing pin forward to remove the retainer. And part number 38 looks like it may have to be pushed in for firing pin to clear . It has a cutaway shaped like the pin.
The Xesse looks like this http://www.haemmerli.info/public/downloads/manuals/HAEMMERLI_274_30_04_Xesse_03-2014.pdf  it doesn't have the retaining pin.

I thought maybe the retaining pin was the pin at the top of the slide - #32 http://www.haemmerli.info/public/downloads/manuals/Haemmerli_x-esse_2773473_c.pdf

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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Re: Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by LenV 9/18/2014, 7:23 pm

Part #38 is the safety.After looking at it again to remove the firing pin on the trailside all you would have to do is remove the pin and put the safety in unsafe and the pin should come shooting out. I will study your pdf now that I have some time

It would have to be # 32. But after you remove it you are probably able to push in #12 which then lets you remove #14 (the safety).After the safety is removed # 12 should come out freeing the pin. You can see they both hold each other in place with the firing pin being held in place by #32 holding it all together. Ever work on a P-08? Germans love to make it complicated. It might be as simple as removing the pin and moving the safety to "not safe"

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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Re: Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by farmboy 9/19/2014, 6:19 am

I will give it a try when I get back in town - thanks

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Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse  aka Trailside Empty Re: Can someone help me remove the firing pin of a Hammerli Xesse aka Trailside

Post by rich.tullo 12/11/2024, 2:59 pm

Step One : Make the gun safe and remove the slide 

Step Two: get an Armorers block or piece of 2x4 with a 1/8 in hole and place the slide over the the 2x4. 

Step Three; with a brass hammer or rubber mallet tap the horizontal pin but do not tap it all the way out if you can help it. Good news is nothing should fly around but it is easy to mistake the firing pin for the extractor so be careful the extractor is bugger to get back together.  
Step Four: clean firing pin channel and Install the new pin and spring  (with the notch up I believe)  , If the pin does not tap in (Use light taps) then the FP is facing the wrong direction and flip it around. Tapping it too hard can weaken it and it will crack over time. 

I like the black pins from Red Feather and I change them ever 5 to 1ok rounds. The Silver ones can mushroom at the tip.

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