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Sig Hammerli Trailside break

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by sbtzc 6/20/2020, 7:11 pm

Hard to describe. Hard to picture.

Purchased used. Very dirty. This was buried under gunk. With several cleanings, the dull, grey gunk came out.

Is this fixable?
    JB Weld
    Just shoot it &/or sell it

Sig Hammerli Trailside break 15926910

Sig Hammerli Trailside break 20200610

Last edited by sbtzc on 6/24/2020, 10:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by -TT- 6/20/2020, 8:31 pm

Are you sure it's not impacted lead? Try pressing a pin into it and see if it marks.

It doesn't look like this would cause any operational problem though. Unless it holds the bolt off the chamber face, it isn't going to affect chambering? Everything else looks pretty good, actually.

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by james r chapman 6/20/2020, 10:10 pm

Sig Hammerli Trailside break 06231510
This is mine, I think it’s just lead and powder gunk
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by sbtzc 6/21/2020, 9:17 am

It is actually missing metal.

From the roundish cut-out, there's a gouge running toward the magazine. Maybe it's just poor machining?

Anyway, it doesn't seem to affect function.

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by -TT- 6/21/2020, 10:39 am

Apart from the buildup yours looks pretty much the same as James's to me. And nothing really reaches into that space, it's well below and beside the top round. So I don't see how it could be worn from contact.

If it were mine, I'd try to gently get under whatever is there and try to release it. Especially in that corner hole, which is there so they didn't have to make a tricky inside cut at the factory.

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by sbtzc 6/21/2020, 10:46 am

Thanks -TT- and Jim.

After soaking with Kroil and dental picking, it looks very similar to Jim's.

I'm just stupid,

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by jglenn21 6/22/2020, 12:43 pm

Think all you have is lead shaving  building up. Take a close look at my trailside in that area. I use a dental.pick to remove it

Sig Hammerli Trailside break 20200611

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by -TT- 6/23/2020, 8:30 am

@sbtzc I bet it shoots great, the chamber looked especially good, with just a touch of rounding at the lower edge. And you can probably feel certain the previous owner didn't mess with it much!

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Sig Hammerli Trailside break Empty Re: Sig Hammerli Trailside break

Post by valbern67 6/24/2020, 4:28 pm

Looks like mine too....

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