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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 6:13 pm

Looking to mount a red dot on my Daisy 777 air pistol for Bullseye practice.  I cannot find a source but I see on this site someone did mount a scope http://www.gunsamerica.com/970147534/Daisy-Powerline-777.htm. Any ideas on where to find one?  I am posting on TargetTalk as well.



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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by Greg Walloch 3/9/2015, 7:36 pm

I use the clamp on one for the IZH-46.  It's the Sun Optics version on Amazon, $24.99.  It does make it a bit nose heavy, but it works well.

Greg Walloch

Posts : 183
Join date : 2011-06-11

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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by Guest 3/9/2015, 7:52 pm

Greg Walloch wrote:I use the clamp on one for the IZH-46.  It's the Sun Optics version on Amazon, $24.99.  It does make it a bit nose heavy, but it works well.
Thank you!



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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by beeser 4/25/2015, 11:00 am

I just purchased a Daisy 777.  What type of pellets work best with it?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by Guest 4/25/2015, 1:43 pm

I tried a few brands and all were accurate. Currently using Diablo Match "R".
Tip. To clean major gunk out of barrel break a q-tip off at the cotton base. Stick in barrel and fire. I did this until cotton came out clean. I did NOT use any cleaning fluids nor oil.



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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by beeser 4/25/2015, 3:14 pm

ChipEck wrote:I tried a few brands and all were accurate.  Currently using Diablo Match "R".
Tip.  To clean major gunk out of barrel break a q-tip off at the cotton  base.  Stick in barrel and fire.  I did this until cotton came out clean.  I did NOT use any cleaning fluids nor oil.

Clever.  I bought some of those cleaning pellets but I like your method better.


Posts : 1155
Join date : 2014-06-19

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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

Post by Guest 4/25/2015, 3:37 pm

It is certainly less expensive :-)


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Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount Empty Re: Daisy Powerline 777 Scope Mount

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