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Model 69 converted to 45 ACP?

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Model 69 converted to 45 ACP? Empty Model 69 converted to 45 ACP?

Post by knightimac Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:56 pm

Can the new model 69 Smith & Wesson revolver K frame be converted from 44 mag to 45 Acp?

I'm thinking a k frame 45 would rock.

What do those gunsmith types think???

Thanks,  Paul

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Join date : 2014-03-16
Location : Auburn, Pa

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Model 69 converted to 45 ACP? Empty Re: Model 69 converted to 45 ACP?

Post by rvlvrlvr Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:11 am

The S&W Model 69 is an L-frame (think the Model 696, which was in .44 Special, but with a longer cylinder and thus less unsupported forcing cone sticking out into the frame window), and I think they're already pushing the cylinder wall thickness by having five .44-cal chambers; five .45-cal chambers would probably make it too thin to be feasible. Plus they already have the Governor and the various Models 625 and 325.

Not that they couldn't do it; Taurus' Judge revolvers are five-shot guns with .45-cal chambers, and apparently their cylinder diameters are 1.5ish-inches, and S&W L-frame cylinder diameters are also 1.5ish-inches, so I guess it could be done.

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