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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

BE Mike
Barry Wilson
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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by Barry Wilson 4/1/2015, 11:18 am

Does anyone make wooden bullseye grips for the Browning Buckmark?  A quick Google search turned up nothing.  If not, what rubber/rubberized grips should I use? It's going to get hot here in South Carolina this Summer and I expect my pretty, rosewood grips are going to get slippery.
Barry Wilson
Barry Wilson

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by Guest 4/1/2015, 12:33 pm

Try one of the rosin bags that bowlers use.


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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by dronning 4/1/2015, 12:46 pm

Hogue Browning BuckMark Grip 72169 I think these are the ones you can stipple with a soldering iron or hot nails to make the grip as aggressive as you want, like they do with they polymer guns.

- Dave

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by LenV 4/1/2015, 7:22 pm

They have these for UFX and UDX . Pretty and grippy.


They have a fair selection on Ebay. They even have a set of Herretts there.

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by kgs113 4/1/2015, 10:09 pm

Is this what you're looking for?  I got a set a few years ago. (Lefty too!) Been very happy with them!



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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by BE Mike 4/2/2015, 8:16 am

When I was shooting a Ruger, I used Dragon Skin on the front strap. I just cut it to fit and put it under the grip panels. It is very aggressive, so if your hand is soft you might want to go with skate board tape. I also use Cramer rosin. Here are some links:
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by LenV 4/2/2015, 8:46 am

Or, for a lot more money you could go with factory target grips.


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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by DHMG1 4/3/2015, 8:18 pm

Bullseye Grips for Buckmark BROWNING_BUCKMARK_RHABullseye Grips for Buckmark BROWNING_BUCKMARK_RHB


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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by Aprilian 5/22/2016, 7:28 pm

Bringing this thread back because the Horton Grip intrigues me.
1) is this someone's grip here on the forum?
2) what happens to the magazine release button?
3 and most importantly) this is a large grip where the tips of the finger pull back towards the heel of the hand.   Is this a good grip and if so, why do all other stock makers have the fingers wrap around?

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by LenV 5/22/2016, 10:09 pm

The grips look like they are on a "Challenger" or a Challenger III. They look similar but different. My old girl on the bottom is a Challenger. No visible mag release. Notice the skateboard tape on the Buckmark. It helps.

Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Img_5010

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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by BerryhillAC 5/25/2016, 8:12 am

If you've not found grips you like yet for your Buckmark, I can help.  I make 3d-printed custom grips and can make a pair for you and your gun.  I can use a wood composite material that feels like wood in your hand, but can be printed to your needs (and sanded and puttied later by you).  Take a look at my website, PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com for more information.


Custom Grips for All Hands and Most Guns


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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by cypress 5/25/2016, 12:44 pm

I have grips for my Buckmark that were made by Randy Fung.  At the time he was the only source I could find for left handed custom grips that would fit the URX model.  I've been very happy with them.


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Bullseye Grips for Buckmark Empty Re: Bullseye Grips for Buckmark

Post by bdas 5/25/2016, 12:44 pm

Aprilian wrote:Bringing this thread back because the Horton Grip intrigues me.
3 and most importantly) this is a large grip where the tips of the finger pull back towards the heel of the hand.   Is this a good grip and if so, why do all other stock makers have the fingers wrap around?
I've read on this forum and elsewhere (including at http://www.bullseyepistol.com/chapter1.htm, section GRIP sub part 2. g., which says: "The primary pressure points on the .45 caliber pistol are the front surface of the grip and the mainspring housing-grip safety surfaces." ... although admittedly that's about a 1911 and not a Buckmark) that a proper grip includes mostly backwards pressure by the fingers, but not much sideways pressure by the fingers.  Perhaps this is a way to try to "enforce" that through grip design?

And, to be clear, those Horton grips do allow the fingers to wrap around somewhat (otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the finger groove surfaces in the side image), just perhaps not as much as some other grips.  But keep in mind that how much your fingers wrap around is heavily dependent on how long your fingers are.  This Horton grip might work great for someone with long fingers, and be terrible for someone with short fingers.


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