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Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by TAJ45 6/20/2015, 9:37 am

I've read of this only recently.  Even though a toolmaker by trade but never having been interested in the internals........where does a bushing go on a Ruger MK series .22 tgt gun?  A 1911 et al, yes, but a MK II/III ????  Excuse my ignorance please.


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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Re: Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by Jerry Keefer 6/20/2015, 9:43 am

I am guessing that a referral to "bushings" on the Mark Series Pistols is the bushing that fits the hammer when upgrading the trigger components. Oversize pins and the bushing contributes to removing excess tolerance between the parts.
Jerry Keefer
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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Re: Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by james r chapman 6/20/2015, 10:01 am

Yes, as Jerry says. On a MKlll you have to make sure you don't disable the magazine disconnect if I remember right. I made several many years ago.

Excellent details are available elsewhere online.

Pm me for the web address.

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Re: Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by james r chapman 6/20/2015, 2:51 pm

Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Thebushing
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Re: Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by AllAces 6/20/2015, 6:02 pm

Here's a hint for successfully installing a Clark bushing on a MK II.  They are made in blue and stainless and are NOT a push fit.
Order the blue bushing, then using 600 sandpaper and oil, carefully remove the blueing from the outside of the bushing.  Test the fit as you go.  Just as you get all the blueing off you should have a tight fit.

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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Now I understand

Post by TAJ45 6/20/2015, 9:13 pm

Thanks for your time guys.


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Clark bushing for a MK II/III? Empty Re: Clark bushing for a MK II/III?

Post by mike59 6/24/2015, 12:09 am

New to the forum and bullseye shooting and glad for the opportunity to contribute as I've recently been looking into this for my mark iii 22/45. On the mark ii this is a replacement to take up some slop as others have said. However on the mark iii and/or 22/45 this will take up slop but is also used to get rid of the mag disconnect. As many if not more people seem to do it for that reason to ease reassembly after stripping to clean. I'm 99.9% sure that you can't get the mag disconnect back in when you install this in the mark iii. Volquartsen, tandem cross, BAM and Sam Lam I think also make them but I've heard that Clark is the tightest. Of note however is that the mag disconnect is a "safety" feature on the mark iii removal might be frowned upon in certain competitions where safety stuff must all be intact. The real win on the Rugers for trigger clean up comes from trigger and sear replacement first. Hope this helps and nice to meet you all!


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