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Vision correction for red dot sights?

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Vision correction for red dot sights? Empty Vision correction for red dot sights?

Post by kwixdraw Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:06 pm

Im not sure if this belongs here or in Equipment but seeing seemed sort of fundamental.  What have people with corrected vision learned about dealing with dot sights? I have only shot a few rounds through a dot sighted gun and done some dry firing through my own. I think I'm seeing the dot OK and the BE seems about as clear as it should with irons. Is that as good as it gets or is there a better way?

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Vision correction for red dot sights? Empty Re: Vision correction for red dot sights?

Post by jmdavis Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:32 pm

I just use normal distance correction for the dot sight. I can see both the dot and the X clearly at 25 and 50. I do the same with a scoped rifle for silhouette or long range.

I have a buff 3/4 inch paster to block the vision of the sights with my left eye but still allow me to scope or score.

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