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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by tschiemer 7/21/2015, 9:50 pm

i know they make a muzzle brake for the long bbl for the 41: do you all find it helpful? A competitor is offering me one if I want.

Does anyone make bbl weights you guys recommend for it too?

A member here sold me his Model 41 Clark 5.5" barrel with weights. It is like they are part of the gun - so well designed! An Ultradot is arriving this week so I can shoot the Clark.


Last edited by tschiemer on 7/22/2015, 12:07 am; edited 1 time in total


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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty Re: S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by LenV 7/21/2015, 10:22 pm

If you get the older 7 1/2 barrel with the muzzle brake there is a changeable weight internal to the barrel. There are 2 internal weights. One is aluminum and the other is solid steel. Only one weight can be in the barrel at the same time so the second weight gets lost once in awhile. Most shooters use the light weight with the brake on and the heavy weight with the end cap. This give the same feel when switching around. I prefer shooting mine with the reducer on the pistol but they are not allowed for all disciplines.

S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Dscf0514

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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty Re: S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by BE Mike 7/22/2015, 8:13 am

Before buying a muzzle brake, I'd suggest thinking about how often you must clean it. I would also look at page 97 of Gil Hebard's "The Pistol Shooter's Treasury" where he compares accuracy of .22 pistols with and without a muzzle brake.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty Re: S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by Axehandle 7/22/2015, 10:14 am

I have seen lots of the old 7 3/8 barrels on the firing line.  The old heads used to hunt them down because of how well they shot.   I've got one stuck in my M41 Barrel set.   Never saw one on the firing line with the compensator installed.


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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty Re: S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by jglenn21 7/22/2015, 1:42 pm

I used the comp on my 7 3/8 until I finally tested the pistol on a RR.

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S&W 41 7.5" barrel options Empty Re: S&W 41 7.5" barrel options

Post by LenV 7/22/2015, 6:23 pm

It's always been 6 of 1 half dozen of the other for me. It does fire a slightly larger group at 50yds with the brake on. It also reduces the recoil a tiny amount and recovers faster. I don't see much change in slow fire with my 8 ring wobble but it makes a slight increase in my sustained fire scores. And 2/3 of the match is sustained fire. YMMV.


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