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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect Empty 22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

Post by Skeet6 Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:08 pm

Does the Mark II type magazine disconnect bushing run afoul of any rules when used in a 2/45 Mark III for Bullseye?
Thanks, High Power rifle competitor here, thinking of dipping my toe in to check the water in Bullseye.
Mike B


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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect Empty Re: 22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

Post by Fire Escape Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:25 pm

Yes it does. Using a MkII bushing eliminates the magazine disconnect creating a better firearm but running afoul of the "all original safeties must be functional" rule. I am not sure that we actually shoot "Bullseye" at my club, perhaps by definition we do not as we do not have any firearms inspections and scores are not submitted to NRA. If your club is similar you may be able to shoot what you have (or want) and decide whether you like it enough to 'play by all the rules' and shoot in other venues. There was a fairly lengthy discussion about the quagmire this rule creates not too long ago. Shoot a 'Series 70' or a MkII and you do not have to add the 'improved safety features' but if you have an '80' or MkIII you are not allowed to remove them.


Previous discussion here: https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t3753-disabled-safety-devices#25512

Fire Escape

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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect Empty Re: 22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

Post by Skeet6 Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:57 pm

Aw heck, well thanks. I will add that mod to the one my wife shoots, and to my new one which I'll drag out to compete one day, I'll only add the new hammer/trigger/sear "accurizing kit" to fix up the trigger...
Mike B


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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect Empty Re: 22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

Post by Fire Escape Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:24 am

I have Volquartsen kits in two of my guns. They are a big improvement but I learned not to try and make the various adjustments too close to 'perfect' by turning my repeater into a single shot on one occasion and a release trigger (scary!) on another. Some one took me aside and reminded me that you have to work within/around the tolerances of the Rugers. Unless you correct all the tolerances, it is best not to try to reduce take-up and over travel to 'zero'. Once I accepted a little 'slack' and secured the adjustment screws with some nail polish, reliability became excellent. Just sayin.  Have fun!


Fire Escape

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22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect Empty Re: 22/45 Mark III Volquartsen trigger kits and magazine disconnect

Post by dstates Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:39 pm

I have submitted a rules change proposal to the Pistol Rules Committee requesting that loaded chamber indicators, magazine disconnects and locking mainsprings be allowed to be removed from pistols.  The required use of an empty chamber indicator (ECI) by the rules deems these other items un-necessary.  Who knows if they will actually consider it.  I hope the lawyers don't run the roost there.

Personally, I don't believe the three items I mentioned above to be "safety features".  Springfield even states in their Owners Manual that their ILS (locking mainspring) is "not intended to replace any safety features". That wording also indicates that they don't believe it to be a safety feature, either.

If you agree, it wouldn't hurt to send them an email @ pistol@nrahq.org stating your thoughts.



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