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Dryfire training

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Dryfire training Empty Dryfire training

Post by Jack H 11/17/2015, 1:00 am

When doing serious dryfire training, or any specific training, do you consider it to be mental training, or a physical training?
Jack H
Jack H

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Dryfire training Empty Re: Dryfire training

Post by Regular_Guy 11/17/2015, 6:54 am

Wouldn't dry firing count as both? You still have to work a number of muscles in them, but there is a mental aspect to it as well.

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Dryfire training Empty Re: Dryfire training

Post by AllAces 11/17/2015, 8:22 am

Both. Unless of course you are one of those multi-taskers who can dry fire and text while watching a movie and listening to music.

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Dryfire training Empty Re: Dryfire training

Post by jmdavis 11/17/2015, 9:07 am

Troy Bassham recommended both. But he also explained that you might have to focus on mental training alone as well (ie. separate from dryfiring). The idea as I understood it was to develop your mental process (shot process etc) and then integrate it into your dryfiring, and training. But that at times you might want to focus on just the mental or the physical. He also made note of blank target dryfire, group shooting and of course match shooting. 

Maybe the best thing I got from my conversation with him, was his stress on "trusting, rather than trying." It seems to me that mental program and shot process are the same or at least tied to each other. One without the other may not work. 


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Dryfire training Empty Re: Dryfire training

Post by john bickar 11/18/2015, 10:01 pm

YJack H wrote:When doing serious dryfire training, or any specific training, do you consider it to be mental training, or a physical training?
john bickar
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