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Clark's model 61 made in 1960

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by fighter62 1/22/2016, 6:04 am

I am very close to getting a Clark model 61 in 38WC. Build in 1960 (Colt 38 super that was used to build it is also from 1960) The later address was put on the slide in 1991 when gun came back for service. All the dates are also inside the slide. ( Build date and tune up date) Clark's model 61  made in 1960  _20160116_133212_zpsr4ul1psi

I am not very familiar with Clark pistols, so I have few questions:

Are Clark's pistols that were build in the 60's by Clark Sr. in the different  category as far as popularity and value when compared to recent Clark custom pistols?

What can You tell me about 1960 Clark's model 61?

Clark's model 61  made in 1960  IMG_20160116_190946482_zps7ewpclk0

Thank You .

Clark's model 61  made in 1960  IMG_20160116_132027099_zpsxwckqndo


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Join date : 2016-01-22

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by BE Mike 1/22/2016, 6:39 pm

The older Clark pistols had a lot of hand work. Jim Sr. used to do the work. The trigger jobs were excellent, as well as, the functioning and accuracy. I think that they are superior to today's crop of Clark Custom pistols. I really don't think that there is much, if any, collector value and the demand for .38 Special semi-autos is very limited (compared to those chambered in .45 ACP). Getting quality magazines might be difficult. Looks like the asking prices for model 61 pistols are from around $1,000 to $1,500.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by mparker 1/23/2016, 6:38 pm

Jim Clark Sr. was both a shooter of the year and gunsmith of the year, making him and his products famous. His work is world class and I think one of his pistols, in the proper condition, would bring a nice premium to a discriminating collector. Newer Clark barrels and pistols do not seem to have the panache or the performance envelope of those by Sr. My Sr.-built High Standard Tournament, built in 1968, is only an HS because of the frame. Everything else is Clark Custom. It looks like a Victor and shoots like Hammerli. One on my very favorites.


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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by Wobbley 1/23/2016, 6:43 pm

I'm not sure there are collectors of bullseye pistols as most seem to collect other types of firearms.  They do command some premium but it isn't a lot. Buy it for what it is, a bullseye pistol built by one of the best gunsmiths of the post war era.  Shoot the rifling out of it and have fun with it.

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by fighter62 1/24/2016, 1:44 am

Wobbley wrote:I'm not sure there are collectors of bullseye pistols as most seem to collect other types of firearms.  They do command some premium but it isn't a lot. Buy it for what it is, a bullseye pistol built by one of the best gunsmiths of the post war era.  Shoot the rifling out of it and have fun with it.

I know Clarks guns are good. Would an example above be out of line for 1500.00 ?


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Join date : 2016-01-22

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by Wobbley 1/24/2016, 8:38 am

I'd offer 1250 but be prepared to pay up to 1500.  A typical comparable pistol is the S&W 52 and decent versions of that command about 1200.  This Clark should do much better than a 52.  So I'd be willing to pay a premium to the 52.

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Clark's model 61  made in 1960  Empty Re: Clark's model 61 made in 1960

Post by Chris Miceli 1/24/2016, 11:18 am

RGK just put up a nice 52-2 on the commercial row $950

Chris Miceli

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