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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Jack H
Rob Kovach
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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by RussJ 12/23/2011, 3:19 pm

Hi, I am saving up for a marvel and really like the idea of the all steel lockback version but wondering if anyone out there has bought one and can give a report. They don't have a good description of it on their website other than it is the all steel version of the unit 1. Let me know!




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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Rob Kovach 12/23/2011, 5:21 pm

Joe Fobes switched over to one. (I think)

Maybe He will give us a review.
Rob Kovach
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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by davekp 12/25/2011, 7:01 am

I have one. The mags that came with it were the die cast German (?) ones. They wouldn't stay in because they were about .030 thinner than a 1911 mag. Marvel sent some replacements that are different, look like Megars, work OK. I also bought some Colt mfg and they are OK. Still getting a few feed problems but not fully broken in. Mine won't shoot Aguila but works with CCI SV. I did change the mainspring to 18 lbs. The lockback feature works OK but if I had it to do over I don't think I'd pay extra for it- I can count to 5.


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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by RussJ 12/27/2011, 9:11 am

Thanks for the info. I am more interested in having an all steel version for longevity than having the lockback. I am just hestitant to spend the money until I hear guys are using the new version and like them.


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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by DavidR 12/27/2011, 10:38 am

I dont have the steel version, but the aluminum model in lockback works awesome, The lock back versions all use the german mags.

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Jack H 12/27/2011, 3:35 pm

I got a steel lockback. The German mags work well in a Les Baer frame. Accuracy seems no better than my Advantage Arms. It looks like they got the extractor to barrel design right this time.

I have not shot it much yet. One development so far is a bit of mushing on the slide metal where the stop hits. I hope it only goes so far and evens out. Yes, SV only.
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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Founder 12/27/2011, 10:31 pm

I have the aluminum lock back with the heavy steel scope/iron sight rail. It is still young and is starting to lock back more frequent. I could speed up that process with a lighter recoil spring as I shoot the Aguila in both my Marvel Precision 22 Conversions.

I really like the GSG (German Sport Guns) mags! I purchased 8 of them and sold my Ace mags. The GSG mags work in both the lock back and my older standard slide very well. They have some extra weight to them which helps the gun feel even more like my 45. And you can drop them without concern of de-tuning them!

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Brassburnz 3/11/2012, 7:43 pm

The Bob Marvel .22 Conversion website is down so I guess I'll ask questions here. Is the aluminum lockback similar to the AA unit? I have an AA unit and two Unit 1's. The AA unit is a plinker. It would be nice to have something with Unit 1 accuracy but locks back like the AA. Then again, I am used to the load 5, shoot 5 drill.

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Jack H 3/11/2012, 8:55 pm

I remain a little disappointed in my MP steel lockback. The stop piece does not raise full height in the slide notch. Sometimes it does not raise at all. The slide notch is mushing back. I need to get the stop to raise all the way, all the time.

I think the remaining difficulty will be to tinker with the slide stop piece so it will raise faithfully in the Les Baer frame. It also might take a stronger magazine spring.
The stop piece needs trimming to fit the LB frame hole to raise higher. Also will have to shorten the plunger behind it.

Accuracy is no better than the Bob Marvel/Advantage Arms units I have. All thing considered, I still recommend the AA. Perhaps someday Bob m will get his ProII model figured out. The thing that gets me is they can make a 45 slide stop and stay open, what's the problem with a steel 22 slide?
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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Steve B 3/12/2012, 7:01 am

Is the weight of the all-steel conversion closer to a wad gun?

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by DavidR 3/12/2012, 9:16 am

The aluminum one is close to my 1911 in weight, plus of aluminum over steel IMO is you can always add weight but you cant take it away

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Steve B 3/12/2012, 11:44 am

I've got the steel rib on top of mine and it's still a little lighter than the 45. I find that I'm much steadier with the 45 and thought the additional weight might benefit.

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anyone have an all steel lockback marvel????? Empty Re: anyone have an all steel lockback marvel?????

Post by Vociferous 3/15/2012, 7:13 pm

11121 EGW HD Higher MAG Catch. Works great for the German made magazines. Got it at Midway.

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