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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

Post by docderm 4/11/2024, 7:02 pm


I have now restarted shooting my sp20's: one is .22LR and other is 32 smith&Wesson. 
Neither locks back when magazine is empty

Is this normal? If not, suggestions for repair?



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Join date : 2020-04-18

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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Re: Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

Post by fc60 4/11/2024, 7:08 pm


No to both 22lr and 32.



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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Does not lockback

Post by docderm 4/11/2024, 7:12 pm

Thanks for quick answer. 

Is there a particular reason the manufacturer chose to NOT lockback?


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Join date : 2020-04-18

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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Re: Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

Post by Tripscape 4/11/2024, 9:03 pm

Yes, so that every shot feels the same. This ia s same for.most Euro.sports (ISSF style) pistols.


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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Re: Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

Post by Froneck 4/12/2024, 10:11 pm

I was told ISSF shooters didn't want lock-back because it might lock back before last round was fired. That would be a disaster for ISSF Shooter.


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Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?  Empty Re: Does the Hammerli SP20 slide lockback when the last round is out of the magazine?

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