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Hämmerli 280 ammo sensitivity?

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Hämmerli 280 ammo sensitivity? Empty Hämmerli 280 ammo sensitivity?

Post by orpheoet 7/3/2016, 10:17 am

I picked up a 280 recently, great gun. It runs flawlessly with CCI SV but has had 3 light strikes with Eley Club. My 41 loves the Club and has had zero issues with this ammo. Is this common with the Hämmerli? I am planning to bring it by Larry's at Perry but I'd like to try it at Ohio Regional. Thanks

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Hämmerli 280 ammo sensitivity? Empty Re: Hämmerli 280 ammo sensitivity?

Post by messenger 7/3/2016, 5:43 pm

I had the exact same thing happen with one of my Benelli MP95E's. The other one shoots it just fine.

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