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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Jon Eulette
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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by KB2MBC 7/23/2016, 12:24 am

I'm thinking of having a Springfield RO in 9mm built up as a centerfire BE gun.
Will that platform pass muster or is it a waste of time? Right now I use a Model 52 but I'm interested in a 1911 alternative, just not in .45ACP
Thoughts anyone?

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by Jon Eulette 7/23/2016, 12:58 am

They make great cf pistols. You have to run them warm to get the good groups @ 50.
I've had good luck with the Kart barrels. Typical to get 1" groups when built right. I'd take 1911 cf pistol over a 52 any day. The 52 won't group at 50.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by kc.crawford.7 7/23/2016, 5:13 am

The RO is a great platform.  But I would look at a different caliber.  If you're planning on shooting lead I would suggest a .38 Super that is loaded down to 38 Special velocities.  No recoil, great groups and components are easy to get.

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by james r chapman 7/23/2016, 7:28 am

Also, it's not legal forCMP EIC competition
james r chapman
james r chapman

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by jglenn21 7/23/2016, 8:01 am

Plus 1 on the super 

Easy to shoot with light lead loads

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by bruce.drake 7/25/2016, 2:41 pm

james r chapman wrote:Also, it's not legal forCMP EIC competition
yep, not legal in EIC Competition but legal in Centerfire stages of a 2700 match.


PS, I love my 1911 in 38 Super and the previous poster nailed it on the load.  Mild 38 Special velocities (850fps) and same grip angle as my 45ACP 1911 and my Ruger 22/45


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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

Post by DavidR 7/25/2016, 4:02 pm

If you really want a good 1911 alternative look for a good one in 38 special, plenty of old clarks around that can shoot much better than a 52.

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9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort? Empty Re: 9mm 1911 for BE, is it worth the effort?

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