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Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon

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Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon Empty Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon

Post by Jake1911 7/31/2016, 7:41 pm

Recently purchased 550 to load for wad gun. Accuracy seems to have dropped considerably. Powder drop seems accurate. Does anybody make a two step die or custom seater plug to seat lead bullets more accurately?


Posts : 168
Join date : 2016-03-13

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Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon Empty Re: Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon

Post by Wobbley 7/31/2016, 7:47 pm

Two steps but process your brass first' size and expand normally, then use different setup prime then ,using a rifle powder funnel, drop powder and seat and crimp.  You can clean your brass between the two process steps.  Triples the chances of catching split cases.

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Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon Empty Re: Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon

Post by jglenn21 7/31/2016, 7:54 pm

what bullet are you loading?

I use these for my 45 wadcutter and also for my 38 super


also use a "m" type powder drop tube.. keeps the bullet straight when seating.


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Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon Empty Re: Ammo loaded on 550 Dillon

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