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New Fire Control Group Empty New Fire Control Group

Post by Tim:H11 8/6/2016, 8:50 pm

I liked my trigger on my Range Officer but it had no travel at all. Applied pressure builds until it breaks. No movement besides a very clean crisp break and not much over travel to speak of. I liked it but I kind of thought maybe a little bit of travel might help me judge where my trigger is and when it's going to break. 

So I put in a new Colt sear, sear spring, and disconnector with a Wilson Combat Value Line hammer. The hammer hooks needed polishing. The finish used on the hammer was on the hooks as well and did not allow a smooth pull. I did absolutely nothing to the sear. It's a carbon nickel sear and was very clean to start with. No burrs, no roughness. I dropped it in first to see what I was starting with. And I had no issues in the feel or weight. The disconnector was the same. The sear spring needed to be adjusted just a touch. Starting trigger weight was just under four pounds. I got to 3.5# on the dot. I went through all the safety and function checks and it passed. 

It has a little bit of travel now but it's very smooth. I know a lot of you guys like the "roll trigger". I have a trigger set up on the Ruger MKIII that feels like what I think a roll trigger would feel like. But I've never felt one on a 1911 or any other pistol. 

Is a roll trigger suppose to start out light and build in weight or is it the same weight start to finish it just has a different feel to it?

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Post by Jon Eulette 8/6/2016, 9:01 pm

The pull is linear or consistently the same for the most part. If you could feel pull get heavier then not good. Some say roll trigger is lighter because once trigger is moving it has overcome frictional force of hammer on sear. It really depends on the individual trigger job. Bit mostly linear. It's just that you can feel it ss opposed to crisp trigger.

Last edited by Jon Eulette on 8/7/2016, 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post by james r chapman 8/6/2016, 9:03 pm

Try an xdm 5.25 upgraded trigger to see what a loooong roll would feel like...
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Post by dronning 8/6/2016, 9:56 pm

Tim:H11 wrote:I got to 3.5# on the dot. I went through all the safety and function checks and it passed. 
I'd add a little weight to it.  If you ever get checked I'd put money on that it will fail.
I set mine with an official NRA weight at a little over 3.5lb.  I failed a line check at Perry, I had used a new lube and didn't re-check it.  It was also a lot warmer. 

They said they would let me fix it at a ref table but would NOT hold up the line for me.  They continued to check other guns and I had to run back to the car for my tools.  I put some bend in the spring and was rechecked and back on the line just as the load command was given.  I didn't fire a shot for about 5 minutes until my heart stopped pounding.  The one blessing was I use a full length guide rod I'm sure if I didn't I would have launched the spring!

Roll Trigger
I couldn't tell you from the feel of my roll triggers if they increase in weight as they move, to me they feel about the same through the pull.  

- Dave

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Post by joy2shoot 8/6/2016, 10:12 pm

I had a roll trigger installed on my 1911 by KC Custom Creations (who is one of the supporters of this forum) and I agree with the other replies, the weight is about the same through the pull.
p.s. KC sells a roll trigger kit for those who wish to install it themselves.


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Post by Tim:H11 8/6/2016, 10:39 pm

Oh and to add one more thing - I've played with the stock Springfield Armory sear spring, Wolff sear springs, and other sear springs I have no idea who made them and I feel like this Colt sear spring is by far the better out of all I've used. Easy to tweak, close to what you want right in the beginning before adjustment, no hammer follow due to lack of pressure on the sear and/or disconnector. It's a good spring that does what you need it to and it's cheap part too!

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