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Steyr LP 50 pressure accuracy range?

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Steyr LP 50 pressure accuracy range? Empty Steyr LP 50 pressure accuracy range?

Post by beeser Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:10 am

At what pressure range will the Steyr LP50 retain its accuracy?  Or in other words, is there a pressure (shown on the cylinder's gauge) where accuracy begins to deminish?


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Steyr LP 50 pressure accuracy range? Empty Re: Steyr LP 50 pressure accuracy range?

Post by SteveT Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:24 pm

targettalk.org will have more airgun shooters and might have people with actual experience.

I could shoot my old LP10 down pretty low and not have shots go off call. I never shot it all the way down to the to the pressure cutoff. I've never shot more than 80 or so shots from my LP50.

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