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Another "one of these things is not like another"

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Another "one of these things is not like another" Empty Another "one of these things is not like another"

Post by Aprilian 11/12/2016, 4:09 pm

I bought some once-fired Winchester brass and found one with an interesting flash hole. It looks like it was made that way, not drilled out by someone. 

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Another "one of these things is not like another" Empty Re: Another "one of these things is not like another"

Post by cdrt 11/12/2016, 6:00 pm

I have found them in the past, as well.  I was told Winchester did it to see if it would help with better ignition in their defensive rounds, but do not have confirmation of that.  I only had a few of them and tossed them in the recycle bucket.

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Another "one of these things is not like another" Empty Re: Another "one of these things is not like another"

Post by jglenn21 11/12/2016, 7:22 pm

can't tell from the picture but is it marks NT

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Another "one of these things is not like another" Empty Re: Another "one of these things is not like another"

Post by jglenn21 11/12/2016, 7:24 pm

Never mind the NT brass was all small primer stuff..

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Another "one of these things is not like another" Empty Re: Another "one of these things is not like another"

Post by DavidR 11/12/2016, 7:25 pm

Larger flash holes are in the range safe brass that has lead free primers in many brands, Winchester and federal mostly. I did some testing years back and they would hit to different points at 50 yards from the smaller flash holes but others here say they didn't find that in their tests.

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