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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) Empty The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

Post by Left handed troglodyte 1/8/2017, 6:48 pm


Its been awhile - something called life got in the way.
(Here is why it was an ugly duckling... https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t5748-current-project-the-ugly-duckling-pistol-case)

Returned to finish the pistol box.... and am 95% done. The only thing left to do is order and install the reinforced steel corner covers.

Finally - here it is.... now in a usable condition.

The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_190214_zps0mpyislh

The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_190300_zpsstxtlnx7

The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_190354_zpsn0rn48oa

The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_190444_zpszzttddso

The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_190516_zpsxpxhcv3z

And a little better look.....
The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) 20170108_195229_zpsi7wjduff

Left handed troglodyte

Posts : 26
Join date : 2016-04-18

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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) Empty Re: The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

Post by Tim:H11 1/8/2017, 7:13 pm

Well done on the restoration. Are the three wooden boxes for pistols or ammunition? Also I particularly like the sticker.

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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) Empty Re: The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

Post by Left handed troglodyte 1/8/2017, 7:26 pm

Tim:H11 wrote:Well done on the restoration. Are the three wooden boxes for pistols or ammunition? Also I particularly like the sticker.

Separate compartments specifically for 
1. mini cleaning kit including boresnake
2. Writing instruments, spare batteriess (red dot), dummy rounds.
3. Spare box- TBD.

(Thanx- was a eureka moment; finding a relevant left handed image ... rather appropriate).

Left handed troglodyte

Posts : 26
Join date : 2016-04-18

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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) Empty Re: The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

Post by troystaten 1/9/2017, 1:40 pm

Nicely done.


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Join date : 2012-04-18

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The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2) Empty Re: The Ugly Duckling range box - update! (part 2)

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