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low power stick on bifocals?

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Dockokol 3/15/2017, 12:49 pm

I'm trying to find some stick on bifocal lenses in +.25 and +.50 and can't seem to find any.   As best I can tell, that script will help me focus on a red dot. I've looked on Amazon and Ebay without success.  I would like trying to avoid buying a very expensive Champion set.. I really just want to try this out.  If you know of a supplier (or alternative) please let me know.
Best to all
Doc Kokol

Last edited by Dockokol on 3/16/2017, 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by SteveT 3/15/2017, 2:57 pm

I don't think you will find any +0.25 or +0.5 lenses. A quick search only came up with more than +1. 

Google "self adhesive lens" "stick on reading lens" or other similar permutations. You will find a lot.

I have used them on my sunglasses as readers, not for shooting, with limited success. The clarity was only fair. They introduced some waviness or blur. Make sure the lens is clean and make sure nothing bumps the lens. They fall off pretty easily.

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by joem5636 3/15/2017, 3:04 pm

You want about +1. To determine what is needed, measure the distance from your eye to the front sight in inches. The diopter needed is then 39.37 (1 meter) divided by that distance. For me, the distance is about 33 inches so the closest diopter is either +.75 or +1. (Diopters are usually only available in .25 increments.)


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by joem5636 3/15/2017, 3:42 pm

Also, far better and not much more to order glasses to prescription from places like Goggles4U. Get cheap frames and maybe coated or tinted lenses.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by jglenn21 3/15/2017, 4:41 pm

flip down clip on reading lenses is also a good option.. try 1.0..

I actually prefer these to changing glasses all the time

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by LenV 3/15/2017, 8:06 pm

I would try these. I think 1.25 really is +.25 but I have been wrong before.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by willnewton 3/15/2017, 8:19 pm

You can find +.25 and +.50 by searching for computer glasses, but they are not always easy to find in a style you might like.

You can also go to zenni.com and pick a frame and style you like.  The price and flexibility of designs might make it worth your while.

I placed my first order from there and they are on the way.  I am going to post a screenshot of my order to help with configuring your own.  Just change diopters and IPD as needed.

Choose a frame and color.  Measure your Inter Pupillary Distance with a MM ruler as instructed on the site. Choose a single vision lens. Enter the diopter for each eye.  Choose any coatings or other options and pay up.
low power stick on bifocals? Img_0414

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by carykiteboarder 3/16/2017, 11:39 am

If this is for seeing the front sight -- and not for scoring targets -- you should try an aperture.  See www.eyepalusa.com for description and order on-line from your favorite vendor.  Basically, a stick-on without adhesive for your shooting glasses. Because there is no lens, there is zero distortion.  Once you get it in the right spot on your glasses, the only downside is darkness in low-light conditions.

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Magload 3/16/2017, 1:53 pm

carykiteboarder wrote:If this is for seeing the front sight -- and not for scoring targets -- you should try an aperture.  See www.eyepalusa.com for description and order on-line from your favorite vendor.  Basically, a stick-on without adhesive for your shooting glasses. Because there is no lens, there is zero distortion.  Once you get it in the right spot on your glasses, the only downside is darkness in low-light conditions.
I bought these and put them on a pair of yellow and a pair of amber flip up sunglasses.  I was impressed how sharp the front sight was and the target was still clear.  I liks\e being able to flip them up when not shooting.  My computer glasses work well to see the front sight but burrs out the target so bad I can't tell it is a target.  Also they are a pain to keep putting on and off so I can see when not shooting.  Also changing glasses is a pain with hearing protection on.  At least for me.  Don

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Dockokol 3/16/2017, 2:59 pm

Help me make sure Im not making a mistake. I am trying to get better focus on the red dot like I would on the blade of an open site.  I don't know the physics of this but I thought it would work.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by joem5636 3/16/2017, 5:18 pm

In this case, you simply want distance vision with only the distance prescription for your glasses. If you don't wear glasses, you might benefit from some correction but you may need some astigmatism and sperical correction. In that case, Senior, Goggles4U will be inexpensive and can provide some eye safety.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Ed Hall 3/16/2017, 5:39 pm

An iris will probably clean up the dot.  You should test this first for yourself.  Take an opaque soft plastic lid from a food container and press a thumb tack or small nail through it trying to make as clean a hole as possible.  Then, look at the dot through the hole and see if it cleans it up.  You might need to experiment with the hole size and edge cleanliness.

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by joy2shoot 3/16/2017, 6:01 pm

When I first started using a red dot, the dot looked like a comet or a super nova.  When I tried the eyepal, as suggested by carykiteboarder, the red dot became a single, circular dot and the target was also in focus.  Being an aperture, things can look dark in a poorly lit indoor range, but I have not had an issue with properly lit indoor ranges or outdoor ranges.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Magload 3/16/2017, 6:09 pm

joy2shoot wrote:When I first started using a red dot, the dot looked like a comet or a super nova.  When I tried the eyepal, as suggested by carykiteboarder, the red dot became a single, circular dot and the target was also in focus.  Being an aperture, things can look dark in a poorly lit indoor range, but I have not had an issue with properly lit indoor ranges or outdoor ranges.
The Eyepal also cleared up my red dot as I have bad astigmatism that glasses can not completely correct. My contact lens does but I hate wearing them.  Don

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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by Dockokol 3/17/2017, 12:42 pm

I'm going to give the eyepal a try.  Thanks all.


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low power stick on bifocals? Empty Re: low power stick on bifocals?

Post by willnewton 3/17/2017, 2:13 pm

Another vote for Eyepal to clean up your dot, but I did switch to a Merit Optical for the very reasons listed here about performance under poor lighting. I do 90% of my shooting at an indoor range and the Eyepal was not good for using there.

The Merit has an adjustable iris and made it easy to go from barely lit indoors to a bright sunny day with a simple twist.

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