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M52-2 trigger update

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M52-2 trigger update Empty M52-2 trigger update

Post by Magload 4/24/2017, 4:17 pm

Well the frame has all the parts removed and I have it in the ultra sonic cleaner.  I can see the sear has never been polished and was petty surprised how rough it is compared to the VQ and KC sears I have seen. The good part is that maybe it is just the trigger bar spring giving the light pull.  I can't see anything wrong with the spring but then I wouldn't know if it was weak.  Not too concerned about getting this thing back together as KC told me he could do it is I sent him the gun and parts.  That was a big relief I would hate to be sitting here with a thousand dollar box of parts.  Will give a new update when the spring gets here later this week.  Don

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