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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Oleg G 12/25/2017, 11:52 am

I have an electronic copy of Yur'ev's Competitive Pistol book in Russian.
It looks like the English translation is out of print and it getting more expensive as time goes by. I decided to try my hand at an independent translation from Russian to English and to make the electronic version available to the community.

It doesn't look that this will violate any copyrights: the Russian version or the book seems to have passed into the public domain; I was able to easily locate several electronic versions on line and as downloadable PDF files.

I just started this work during the holiday weekend and only translated a few pages. The work proves to be very challenging, since the book is laden with physics, ballistics and biology jargon, with which I am entirely unfamiliar. I am attaching a file with my work so far. If it generates sufficient interest, I will continue the work. If it proves to not have any benefit to the community, I will abandon the project, as for my own needs I can read the book in the original Russian.

As the first edition, I plan to focus only on pistol-related material. Later, if needed, I will add the rifle-related contents.


Oleg G
Oleg G

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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Guest 12/25/2017, 12:14 pm

I’ll read it! I was going to order a used copy recently, but paying 50 bucks plus for a dog eared copy stuck in my craw. Good luck.


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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Eddie 500 12/25/2017, 8:33 pm

Nice work. I'm also interested in reading it.....thx for sharing your skills Cool

Eddie 500

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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Bullseye99 12/25/2017, 9:48 pm

Can you please provide me with a link to the Russian version of the book. I was unable to find it online. 
I just ordered a copy on EBay for $60, but would love to read it in the original.
I think it is an immense undertaking to translate the entire book and make it available to the shooting community in a digital format and I commend you for taking on this challenge.
Good luck!


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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Boris_La 12/25/2017, 11:20 pm

I might be able to help you with some translation, should you decide to continue.
Please provide the link to obtain the original book and specify what topics you would like me to start.
I think more bilingual members may join and group effort will speed up the process if coordinated.


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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Jack H 12/26/2017, 12:02 am

I have a excellent condition copy of the book as English translation by the NRA.  It's showing copyrights.

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Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation Empty Re: Yur'ev's Competitive Shooting - an experiment in new translation

Post by Oleg G 12/26/2017, 6:34 am


I understand the NRA-published book has a copyright. I am not a copyright lawyer, however, as far as I know, the publishing company and the translator can only obtain copyrights to the translation itself, not to the contents in the original language. That copyright is held by the original author until it passes to the public domain. Even when the original work is in public domain, the translation can still be copyrighted. I am not using the NRA book as a source or an aid (I don't even have a copy). Instead I am attempting a fresh translation from Russian into English. Finally, I don't plan to obtain profit from my work. So, hopefully, I am not breaking the US copyright laws. Smile

Here's the link to one of the online HTLM versions of the book.

Oleg G
Oleg G

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