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Pardini issues

Chris Miceli
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Pardini issues Empty Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 12/30/2017, 4:14 pm

Hi All,
Having trouble with my 2016 SP.  I can pull the trigger and gun goes bang but sometimes it won't pick up the next round. This is with a couple of brands of ammo.  It did stovepipe once today.
Gun is clean and lightly oiled.  One thing I noticed is when manually pulling the bolt back , the hammer is very hard to cock.  It seems more so than other 22 guns.
Looking for some suggestions on what to do.

Thanks and Happy New Year........


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 30harry 12/31/2017, 9:20 am

What ammo have you tried?


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by MarkOue 12/31/2017, 10:06 am

Perhaps during recoil the bolt isn't travelling far enough to the rear.  A stiff spring would certainly retard the rearward movement of the bolt.  Since it is a near new gun I'd call Vladimir or Emil at Pardini USA.  

Otherwise do as 30harry eludes to, try ammo that produces more energy and recoil. 

I experience similar problems with my light summer loads in .45 ACP when shooting in 10 degree Michigan weather.  I have to add a few tenths grain of powder to ensure proper function.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by gregbenner 12/31/2017, 11:15 am

If its clean and oiled, then likely the ammo or the recoil spring.  Is it safe to assume you have had the gun since 2016, and this is a new problem with ammo you have used successfully in the past?  +1 on calling Pardini.  They were there yesterday (similar issue with my HP 32L, Vladimir was most helpful).


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by UtahDave 12/31/2017, 6:12 pm

Check that the rod inside the recoil spring is in the correct way.   Rod to the back.  



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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/1/2018, 9:29 am

30harry wrote:What ammo have you tried?
First started with CCI S/V.  Called Pardini USA and they suggested trying a different brand.  I now have Aquila SV and it still happens


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/1/2018, 9:31 am

UtahDave wrote:Check that the rod inside the recoil spring is in the correct way.   Rod to the back.  

I did check and it only goes in one way.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/1/2018, 9:35 am

I have some Federal which I will try and maybe snip a coil or two off the spring.  When I first called Pardini they said to try different ammo and if it didn't work then send the gun in.  Which I might have to do.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 30harry 1/1/2018, 10:12 am

285wannab wrote:
30harry wrote:What ammo have you tried?
First started with CCI S/V.  Called Pardini USA and they suggested trying a different brand.  I now have Aquila SV and it still happens
I think I would just send it back to Pardini myself.  It should work 100% with both of those. If you have to use high velocity ammo to make it reliable, there is a problem.  The only standard ammo my Walther would fail with was some Wolfe and some really old PMC target.  I would think any Olympic pistol should work with almost any standard velocity ammo and CCI SV is almost the gold standard for us economicaly minded shooters.  Smile


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Jwhelan939 1/1/2018, 10:16 am

My 2016 had issues in the guide rod. It was slightly bowed and dragging. I had to straighten it and polish her a bit. The dragging labored the bolt cycle.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by gregbenner 1/1/2018, 11:00 am

By any chance do you also have one of the 32 conversions? If so, any chance you could have inadvertently switched the recoil springs?


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by mpolans 1/1/2018, 12:24 pm

Jwhelan939 wrote:My 2016 had issues in the guide rod. It was slightly bowed and dragging. I had to straighten it and polish her a bit. The dragging labored the bolt cycle.
Th is what I would check.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/2/2018, 9:43 am

I did check the guide rod and it is straight.  That was a good idea though.
I am going to send it back to Pardini and let them work on it.
Thanks everyone for their input.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by mpolans 1/2/2018, 6:31 pm

285wannab wrote:I did check the guide rod and it is straight.  That was a good idea though.
I am going to send it back to Pardini and let them work on it.
Thanks everyone for their input.
Let us know what they say the problem is.  It'll be good to know what to look out for in the future.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by SMBeyer 1/4/2018, 8:43 pm

I would look into purchasing $60 of o-rings

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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/5/2018, 3:10 pm

Here is a quick update on my Pardini.
I have a new recoil spring and new extractor with spring.  I screwed up the previous extractor. I haven't compared the old to the new recoil spring yet.
Vladimir at Pardini USA told me I should use better ammo.  I thought the Aquila was better than CCI but I guess it isn't.
One tip he told me about is don't leave the dry fire plug in the gun.  Which I did but, not anymore.  He also recommends put a small drop of oil on the top round in the mag.  Where the lead meets the brass.
I did clean the O-rings out previously.  I will not oil that area again.
You can't beat the customer service from Pardini USA.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 30harry 1/5/2018, 3:34 pm

285wannab wrote:Here is a quick update on my Pardini.
I have a new recoil spring and new extractor with spring.  I screwed up the previous extractor. I haven't compared the old to the new recoil spring yet.
Vladimir at Pardini USA told me I should use better ammo.  I thought the Aquila was better than CCI but I guess it isn't.
One tip he told me about is don't leave the dry fire plug in the gun.  Which I did but, not anymore.  He also recommends put a small drop of oil on the top round in the mag.  Where the lead meets the brass.
I did clean the O-rings out previously.  I will not oil that area again.
You can't beat the customer service from Pardini USA.
One thing that I don't know how wide spread the info is yet but eley pulled the aguila contract. The 22lr ammo did have on the aguila box 'eley prime" but will now say "aguila prime".  

They information on Pardini customer service is really good news as I am seriously considering buying an SP from them.  Smile


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Chris Miceli 1/5/2018, 4:08 pm

Wow oil on the first round.....band aid for actually correcting the firearm.

Chris Miceli

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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/5/2018, 4:57 pm

For me it's not a big deal.  Not concerned about pressure in the chamber and I put oil on other parts of the gun.  Gets my vote if it helps.  I even warm my gun up if it's sitting in the trunk and really cold out.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Aprilian 1/5/2018, 5:16 pm

285wannab wrote:  I even warm my gun up if it's sitting in the trunk and really cold out.

285wannab wrote: it won't pick up the next round.  It did stovepipe once today.
 the hammer is very hard to cock.  

Are those problems when you are shooting it outdoors?  I can cause all kinds of problems with a .22 by shooting it outdoors in the Midwest during winter.

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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by 285wannab 1/5/2018, 6:25 pm

I shoot indoors but driving to the range with my gun in the trunk when it's freezing out can't help.  Like I mentioned I heat my gun up sometimes.  Thinking the wax on the rounds must harden up and not help.
I am going to shoot tomorrow with the new recoil spring and some different ammo and see what happens.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Toz35m 1/5/2018, 8:52 pm

When I go to the range I buckle my Pardini in the passenger seat and turn on the seat heater.  Only the best for my Pardini.

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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by mpolans 1/5/2018, 11:20 pm

Toz35m wrote:When I go to the range I buckle my Pardini in the passenger seat and turn on the seat heater.  Only the best for my Pardini.

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I'd do that, but I let my CCW lapse.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Guest 1/6/2018, 5:44 pm

Try different ammo but stay with standard velocity.  Those type of guns can have bad things happen to them that cannot be repaired when using high velocity.  They weren't built for high velocity and will not hold up when using it.

If the gun travels in the trunk of your car and the weather is cold where you live, then put one, or two, of those disposable hand warmers inside the case with the pistol.  Have them reach operating temperature before doing so.  Make sure that the gun is unloaded and no ammo is near the hand warmers.  Probably wouldn't get hot enough to cause problems but not worth taking any chances.  Keep magazines and ammo in your shirt pockets or pockets that are close to your body to keep them warm before and during your shooting sessions.

If you send it to Pardini, they may not be able to replicate the problem.  The weather in Tampa would hardly be called brutal in the winter.  Chilly sometimes, but rarely worse.

Pardini SP's and 1911 22 conversions are very susceptible to cold and will often malfunction as a result.  When I ran BE matches, there were always several alibis during the March match because theses guns would not function properly.  My successor had the same problem.  The current match director is smarter that we were - no more March matches.  I live in Northern Virginia and while it can get pretty cold in winter on occasion (Reagan's 2nd inaugural parade was cancelled because of the very low temperatures), it is usually fairly mild.

The drop of oil business is a last-ditch effort to avoid alibis to get through a match only.

Using lighter weight oil for lubrication for winter shooting might also a possible fix for your problem.


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Pardini issues Empty Re: Pardini issues

Post by Ghillieman 1/7/2018, 3:43 am

285wannab wrote:
30harry wrote:What ammo have you tried?
First started with CCI S/V.  Called Pardini USA and they suggested trying a different brand.  I now have Aquila SV and it still happens
Aguila is sensitive to the cold. You can keep it in your pocket to help warm it up. Better solution is to use SK Pistol Match in your Pardini and keep the Aguila for practice.

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